Chapter 3, page. 7

Bii0 on Oct. 30, 2015

Matt: I better go to my room

5 minutes later~


I feel you, kid. I used to have the same reaction to reading.


@tupapayon: Aww, that would be a great story if it were true, who knows with what is and isn't anymore. It reminds me of a family friend we used to have who was one of those vegan animal activists types, while I've never particularly agreed with it since to me we're animals, I never had a problem about being animal free when they were around. But they had two kids whom they did serve meat to, they said that they didn't want to push their beliefs into their children and let them choose, which isn't as awesome but it was still pretty cool.

@Z74: Oh wow, thank you! Exactly, I never understood the need to place gender onto something, it just feels like another way for people to control one another. Have you seen some of the gendered candies their coming out with? Saw some chocolate eggs the other day there were girls chocolate (pink), and boys chocolate (blue). The pink for girls thing is generally funny since it was a boys colour not even 100 years ago.
But your daughter sounds cute, you should save up and go the ridiculous route with an HK MG43.