4 – Super Final!

Finale on Feb. 12, 2008

This is a very simplified explanation of the first series of my comic, The Adventures Of Final Beyond. I've shortened some things. Originally, after a battle, Final and Knuckles fell off-panel, into the debug menu. Final used the sound test to turn Knuckles into a ring, and said he would turn him back if he told where Eggman was.
Oh, and in the old comic, Eggman survived the rake, and was the main enemy for a few series, until the Death Egg blew up for no particular reason. He was replaced by Robotnik in my retcon.

BG Credits: Dioxas.
Sprite Credits: Cylent Nite, DBurraki, Scarred Sun, ZinDinTimeYum, Trinity14, Mecha Crana, Metalkirby, Domenico.