Willem 174

Jaymzeecat on June 28, 2016

Hey everyone, here's the latest Willem page for you! Hope you enjoy it. It's got a little more Sob Story and Shapeshifter Steve, which are pretty fun characters for me to draw. Sob Story has the power to make you super depressed, Shapeshifter Steve… well, I'm sure you can guess what his power is, haha.

Neither of them are really villains per se, they're both too young to be professionals anyway, but Sam (Sob Story) likes to play the part mostly to rebel against her parents, Steve has a villain mom and she often makes him go to villain ‘meetings’ and events but he's really not that into super stuff of any kind (good or bad). He is very apathetic and unimpressed, haha.

Also, if you're wondering about Michael's pink phone, I'm sure Amber probably picked it out for him, haha. Not that it matters now anyway. :P

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