War Games

Hero on March 4, 2006

Okay, several things.
Wintergreen is going to have a big er…thing, so I'm asking you to send fanart, comics, etc. Stick figures, a drawing of a character, Visa, I accept them all. Send them off to
Also, drop any questions to be answered by my professional staff of comic characters in the forum here. The more you ask, the more you know.
Third, go ahead and PM me if you'd like you or your characters to be interviewed for an impromtu talk show type thing. My name is Hero there as well.

This week I am dedicating to drawing comics for other people, so I may be updating with some art or other stuff. Oh, yeah! Wintergreen won the Pan Cosmic Battle of the bands. How Coolio is that? I'll answer that. Mondo. Yes, mondo coolio. Yawannafidaboutddit?