
xailenrath on Sept. 6, 2019

Meet Jasper “Cosmo” Coswell.
He owns the disused warehouse that the kids' converted loft sits atop.
He has had… ‘things’ happen to him from which he has yet to fully recover.
He tries to keep his head on straight by busying himself with ‘landlord stuff’ in the various buildings that he owns around town.
You'll see more of him and learn more about his past.

This is also a comic that serves as an excuse to point you to what will be the frequently edited and updated “LINGO” page, for those of you who have no Earthly idea WTF Felix, Camilla and Rex are saying.

Which brings us to the mention of Pappy Joe and Gran'pa Eddie. Rex's paternal and maternal grandfathers - old school jazz, blues, R&B and funk session musicians who raised him, and where he picked up the lingo in the first place.
They're old friends of Cosmo's.
Full colored and uncensored pages of this comic can be seen a day or three early over on my Patreon Page, as well as sketches, pin-ups and random fun on my other digital tip jars:

As well as THE COMICFURY FORUM dedicated to this comic!