The Tea Party of Doom
Renga Studio on Nov. 16, 2011
Brent wasn't planning to have a tea party, but with guests suddenly showing up, it just happened. Wonkedo wasn't planning to encounter Heshki in Brent's house, but there she is. And Heshki wasn't planning anything, but now that she's set her sights on Wonkedo…
Sorry for my lateness, readers! I've been minus a computer for some time now, but now that I've finally updated my comic, I just wanna say…
(Renga throws up a handful of confetti.)
HAPPY NEW COMPUTER!!!! :D That's right; I finally bought a brand new computer! Yay, me!
(Renga blows his party horn.)
NightReflection at 11:44AM, Dec. 2, 2011
Woohoo! I've really missed this. Thanks. Carrying on is like an early Christmas present. I can sympathise with computer woes. I just had mine fixed from bluescreening as and when.
Amelius at 11:40PM, Nov. 21, 2011
YES! I'm glad to see you're back and got a new computer! I missed this comic so much :') Ahhhh, Heshki scares me with her stalkertastic knowledge! Yet, I cannot look away... I am most curious to see how she knows what she knows!
StrawberryCheesecake at 9:24PM, Nov. 19, 2011
Great to have you back Renga! The page looks great and I eagerly await more.