The McGeddons 002

xailenrath on Jan. 3, 2019

The HAROLD is an alien artificial intelligence left over from the SECOND alien invasion, which counts as World War 5. It was placed into the World Wide Web as a means to gather intel on Earth's strengths and weaknesses. Unfortunately for HAROLD, the aliens who created it and the humans, THE INTERNET corrupted the poor thing. Now, HAROLD has control of most, if not all, of the computer systems left on Earth. “He” has declared himself ‘President of Earth’, and seems to take a sick glee in “managing” most of what goes on. Here, he can be seen as part of traffic control. He's a bit daft, and very snide and sarcastic when truly interacting with the populace.

Slabb tells his wife, Nancy of one of his earliest encounters with HAROLD from his childhood. It wasn't pleasureable for either of them.

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