Xailenrath Omniversal 001

xailenrath on Sept. 6, 2019

Xailenrath Omniversal was a comic I started way too long ago.
I was inspired by a very funny, now-defunct ABC sitcom called “Better Off Ted”.
(I really miss that show! It deserved a third season - and beyond!)

Anyway, I started the comic with Warren Abernathy, a character I made back in the late 90's who eventually became my “average white guy' for certain readers to identify with. He, himself, was named after the squirrely kid with the gun in the movie ‘Empire Records’ - another favorite that, for some reason, everytime I watch it, I get the impetus to make ‘slice of life’ comics. Dunno why.
It's in my NetFlix cue right now, and I am avoiding it like the plague, because I already have too many comics going on.

So, Warren is looking for a job, and he interviews at Xailenrath Omniversal - a corporation that makes everything one needs to navigate thru everyday life - from toothpaste and cat litter, to condoms and computers… to death rays, shrink rays and mind control drugs… not that Warren would know that right off the bat.
Even after this project fizzled (after 4 pages), CO remained a part of my multiverse and it's products can be seen in the background of some of my other comics to this very day.

Here, he meets the daytime security officers: Gonzo, Alvin, Redeye, Ursa and Dodgeball.
From this, you can glean that the security for the corporation ain't normal. The corporation itself is a bit OFF, and I took inspiration from The Dreadnoks from GI Joe, as they were my favorite members of Cobra when I was a lad.
Ursa and Dodgeball are characters from some of my earlier comic attempts.
Gonzo is my own childhood nickname, and Redeye is one of many former online aliases.
”Alvin“, I made up on the spot when I was creating the comic. I named her that, as she is unto a chipmunk… a RABID chipmunk. There's a REASON that a 5'2” girl is Head of Security.

Later on, I mixed this project into The TrollMoon Universe, by way of another of m comics - S.C.A.R.R.ed For Life!
Read the other three strips to see how!

(Yes, I only finished 4 whole strips, but, as usual, there's a spiral notebook somewhere in my junkpile of dead art that has scripts for at least 7 more strips)