Page 3: 5/26/07
Kalan on May 24, 2007
Well, it's been another 2 weeks, and another page for all of you that, well, aren't really reading. But still!
In other news, Happy Towel Day everyone, well for the next 15ish minutes, at least in my time-zone. If you don't know, get knowledgable…
Another page down… More to go.
Shadow_Kid at 9:06AM, July 30, 2007
artist still out of town huh? well i have you know, no ones heard from him in a while... so no idea if he took his script with him yet...... oh... shadow kid has been updated(finally) so check it out......
Hippy_Master at 9:01PM, June 25, 2007
hey man... we got our comic up. look for updates the next couple of days.... Later
Kalan at 11:05PM, June 8, 2007
*Sigh* Just a heads up to my readers(?), the update's gonna be late, as for one: I haven't finished coloring the pages, and two: My artist has a hold of the script-page and currently is out of town.
blueyes at 3:19PM, June 6, 2007
I like your art style! It helps with the mood of your story.