Something's Happening...
DangerFace Studios on April 29, 2008
Hate mail, missed deadlines and the official site.
Story and lines: Ben Steeves - Colours: Dave Olson
Apparently there're people who dislike this comic. Obviously I realize that not everyone can like it, but I heard comments to this effect for the first time today. Humbling. I probably needed it.
Updates are coming slow, again, and I apologize. Next one should be on schedule, a week from today.
Finally settled on a format for the character bios at ZOMBENSTRIKES.COM. Hopefully I'll have one up soon.
Speaking of ZOMBENSTRIKES.COM, if you have an RSS feed from there, you'd have seen this strip two days ago. Hop on the trolley, ya rubes!
Don't forget about Our Time in Eden.
Mister Kent at 2:46PM, May 6, 2008
Really nice page!
Kikaru at 3:48PM, April 30, 2008
Y'know, walking into a room to find a guy wanting to eat your flesh would be pretty damn terrifying o.o
worstcase at 2:26PM, April 30, 2008
DangerFace Studios at 1:48PM, April 30, 2008
Also, he does feel the urge to eat human flesh, but so far manages to curb it by over-eating any manner of other things. And I don't think the undead are considered people. Hell, according to Spellcheck it's not even considered a word. Besides, just look at how wantonly we blow their heads off with shotguns or rip them apart with chainsaws or lawnmowers. We need to learn that zombies are an important part of the eco system. They lower our numbers when the population gets out of control, AND they make great fertilizer. Write your local congressman.
DangerFace Studios at 1:41PM, April 30, 2008
I should clarify that "hate mail" is an exaggeration. I speak merely of people badmouthing the comic in the TaBB forums. Still, generally I only hear positive comments about my work, so they may as well have just sent me handwritten letters threatening my life. The thread was almost unanimously negative, so my ego as well as my creative inspiration took a big beating. That said, all of your support is truly appreciated, and I want to kiss each of you on the mouth... wait... well...
nibbi at 11:48AM, April 30, 2008
Awesome work! Loving it.
Mallor at 10:56AM, April 30, 2008
If you don't like ZomBen, don't read it. Problem solved. No need for hate mail. I like ZomBen. Such a great twisted sense of humour.
legacyhero at 10:04AM, April 30, 2008
Oh, that wacky zombie humor.....
Brock at 8:34AM, April 30, 2008
You have to let us see this "hate mail." Stuff like that should be shared so we can all point out how wrong it is. Awesome page today.
Ndraxian Zero at 6:31AM, April 30, 2008
Its probably just a sore spriter who saw that one page without looking into the reasoning behind it. Which I might add... Is very valid reasoning. And this Comic is Awesome. Been following it since it was featured. And I makes my day better everytime I find it has updated. Keep up the good work. Oh wait... There are also idiots who think being a jerk is funny too... Might be one of them. Or some other group I haven't thought of.
TheMidge28 at 6:24AM, April 30, 2008
WTF? wh hates this comic? please! people are so stupid. so Ben eats flesh. I wonder who he ate.
cs3ink at 4:54AM, April 30, 2008
Not only am I surprised somehow haes this gem of a book, I'm more surprised they'd hate it enough they'd actually type a message to that effect. This is quality work, old boy. Ignore the nay sayers.
thirdshaft at 2:26AM, April 30, 2008
I'm with everybody else, how could somebody hate this comic? If I happen across a comic that doesn't interest me or I truly dislike it for whatever reason, I do not continue to read it. But come on, zombies are people too and they need love... well they are formerly people... are the undead considered people?
leaderofstars at 11:06PM, April 29, 2008
i would stain my pants if that happened to me
Frogman at 10:14PM, April 29, 2008
Hate mail? WTF? People's brains must have been melted by all the reality TV crap and dancing shows on TV these days so they don't know what's good anymore. ZomBen rocks! So does he really need to eat flesh as in humans, or is he talking about a nice meaty steak?
Skullbie at 10:13PM, April 29, 2008
Wow why would anyone give hatemail to zomben? :/ It's not controversial or sexual- I have a lesbian comic myself and I've never gotten hatemail on that subject-of course their were people that hated the art and spike of popularity but that was a private forum matter. Lol rambling, the page looks nice. :) wonder what he's looking at-