- Stay Tuned...
- Call of Duty
- A Lot of Drinking
- Welcome to the DangerCave
- Did He Just Say What I Think He Said?!
- Something's Happening...
- Still No Ben...
- Five Pages and Still No Ben!
- Barry Prepares
- Too Close for Comfort
- Maximum Importance
- No Appointment
Chapter 3: A Very Special Zom-Ben
- To Aid in the Holding of Your Horses
- Playing Dress-up Pt. 2
- Playing Dress-up Pt. 1
- But Wait... There's More!
- Get Used to It
- Secret Meetings Regarding Secret Things in Secret
- The Locals Pt. 4
- The Locals Pt. 3
- The Locals Pt. 2
- The Locals Pt. 1
- Rooftop Tales
- A Most Delicious Calling Card
- WARNING: This Battle is EPIC!
- New Vigilante on the Block (or NVOTB)
- Caught in the Act
- Trial and Error, but Mostly Error
- This is Only a Test...
- Batman's Parents Were Killed. Spider-Man's Uncle Was Killed. Zom-Ben Was Bored.
- Coping is a Process
- A Far More Gruesome Discovery
- A Gruesome Discovery
- Tell-tale Reverie
- And This, Kids, is How Comics are Made
- Attempted New Catchphrase, Take 1
Chapter Two: The Web of Zom-Ben
- Love is Like Vinegar
- Woman Trouble (like there's any other kind)
- Ulterior Motives
- Rooftop Yarns
- Dinner and Conversation
- Cooked to Perfection
- A Case of Mistaken Divinity
- It's THAT Easy!!
- The Stub Heard 'Round the Underworld
- Breakfast of Champions
- The Employment Quagmire
- Interviewing the Insipid
Chapter One: The New Adventures of Zom-Ben
- Teaser - "Quit hittin'"
- Teaser - "Fill yer boots"
- Teaser
- Banner
Call of Duty
DangerFace Studios on June 6, 2008
Story and Lines: Ben Steeves - Colours: Dave Olson
pinkertonpark at 5:25PM, June 29, 2008
Good Stuff!!
Product Placement at 11:37AM, June 26, 2008
Zomb-cicle? Zomb-skates? You people are weird. Zombmobile is the only way to go.
Demynx at 4:00PM, June 19, 2008
Mayor Williams Williams?!
Naughtelos at 6:11PM, June 14, 2008
faved, by the way.
royduncan100 at 9:10PM, June 13, 2008
Freegurt at 12:08PM, June 10, 2008
Best hero ever.
TheMidge28 at 10:20AM, June 10, 2008
love the splash page and him holding the controller!
Mallor at 3:53AM, June 8, 2008
That's so anticlimactic that it is funny again.
Nergal at 6:04PM, June 7, 2008
I wonder what the bus driver will say once he's seen he's let a zombie on board.
Milky at 3:50PM, June 7, 2008
If I were him, I'd draw a teleporter machine... and rocket boots.
Gibson Twist at 2:45PM, June 7, 2008
He should draw a cape on his costume. Capes mean you can fly. Batman's just a wimp.
SympleSymon at 1:39PM, June 7, 2008
What, no zom-cycle? Or do the wheels keep falling off? Great perspective in the main panel.
The_Rippy_One at 11:51AM, June 7, 2008
I think he should have gone with the Zomb-skates with the rockets or the Zomb-chariot... the 70's were a weird age... ...and will there be a Morti, the Zomb-dog? Training him to not eat the roomie would be hard...
silverdragon1 at 11:42AM, June 7, 2008
he should be using the Zomblimp
cyberdog at 10:39AM, June 7, 2008
Dude, I really like your style. Its simple but unique. NICE!