Page 2: Go Shorty...

TheMidge28 on March 29, 2009

special bonus: 2 pages!
if you go back one you will find page 1.
and before that chapter cover and the new cover.

so let me know what you think.
any and all comments appreciated; negative or positive.
be critical.
its all appreciated.

See you next Monday with one or possibly 2 new pages!
also I'll follow up on comments as well.

dueeast: thanks for the welcome back!

cs3ink: I really appreciate that coming from you. I hope you like my new approach.

harryq:you know how we do my brudda! On the Gimp, I was so hesitant in downloading it and using it and now I look back think what a twit I was for not doing it sooner. Its great comprable pogram to PS and free! And yes we need to trade notes! drop me line for any questions or tips!

Orange: oh yes! you better keep an eye on him!

Starwolf: thanks silent one! no comment but that's okay. your silent support is much appreciated.

armandoB: Yes they are. Thanks. It means much from you who is stellar with the amount of detail you place in your scenes. Believe it or not but the original I drew was 2 page lengths and I was going to just use it as a smaller panel on a page but said screw that and decided to close in more for intamacy. I hope I made the right choice.

thefightingstranger: Thanks. ditto my comments for Starwolf!

jgib99: Thank you! as I mentioned this image was much wider and had more peoples in the crowd but became too much! I'm glad you like how they came out.

Loud G: I love layers! and much of my ispiration for this comic comes from my over abundance of movies I have watched in my life. Thank you for mentioning because it means I'm got it!

Lemniskate: LOL! I can see what you mean! but its fitting because when I have been at a club many if all the drones I'm mean dancers seem to have the same appeal.

Jabali: Holla! That's was my desire and there's more of her too come.

Bocaj: Thanks, my friend. I really appreciate the thought you put into your comments. There not just onesided but rounded. I'm glad you feel I made the right decision. Because sometimes when working on a page I have moments of second guessing.

MrHades: Thank you I am glad it works.

Dragonizer: At my club, if I had a club, I'm sorry to say that would be what makes or brake someone getting in. ;) I'm kidding. What can I say? I'm a boob guy!
or maybe just a boob!

Fitz: When I quit last year and started to rework everything I wanted to start from scratch. That means tossing somethings which I used to do. I want it to have a different look and feel. I wouldn't give up on the use of negative space. It will be used but not as prominently as it was previously.

dgriff13: Ha! ditto Dragonizer's reply! Cleavage Club has a nice ring to it but actually the name of the club is “EXIT” that's why there is the exit sign on the first page. I know it's not clear but that's why its there.

Doctor Shadow: Many thanks especially with your prolific work with Wyrden.

Thanks guys for all the comment, critiques and support.
Please keep it coming and tell ya friends, family, co-workers, and strangers on the street who have internet access about this comic!
All your support is greatly appreciated!!!!