hello there everyone!
has any of you seen or known about any official breath of fire 3 comic? cause, i'm planning to start my own one if there's not such thing by now. does anyone of you have any knowledge of something like it? it's been sometime since last i worked on something, and i've been feeling like starting a new project, and breath of fire 3, seemed like a great idea to me. i loved this rpg back then when i played it. i forgot most of the story, but i'd be willing to go through it once again. i know that making a comic based on a rpg could be a pain, mostly cause these games can be over 70 hours play. but i've been thinking on making some adaptation. and i've been also thinking of using some simpler character designs, so i can make the pacing more dynamic.
and in case i start such project, would any of you be interested in being my assistant? maybe if you like rpg's and you wouldn't mind playing one more, and noting down some dialogues along the game. tho' i still didn't make up my mind on this, i'm just thinking aloud yet. anyway… any ideas or thoughts are welcome.
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