I'm not involved with this project, or it's parent organization in anyway. I simply became aware of the extension to the deadline, and thought that I'd share.
Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry and Photography from or about the Bronx
For the summer issue, the online literary journal Cross Bronx (crossbronx.org) is seeking short stories, creative non-fiction, poetry, and photography on the theme of HOME.
What does home mean to you? What is it like to have a love/hate relationship with your home? What if home is a friend's couch, or a shelter, or a park? Is is a color, a sound, a sudden sharp sense memory? Home is a complicated concept, and for this issue we want new and challenging views of what “home” means. We want to meet fictional characters who wrestle with the diverse emotional, physical, and spiritual landscape of “home.” We want poetry that illuminates different aspects of “home” - safety, warmth, family, confinement, repression, fear, love, food, sex, etc. We want photographs that show us something we've never seen before.
Submissions are welcome from Bronx-based writers, as well as from writers of work that place in the Bronx.
The deadline for summer submissions has been extended to July 15, 2009 (right around the corner.) The summer edition is scheduled for publication in late July (online only.)
A PubParty and reading will be held on Wed, Oct 7th, as part of the Bronx Culture Trolley night. Support the community of writers in the Bronx and promote yourself by submitting work!
For Fiction & Creative Non-Fiction
Submissions can be no more than 6,500 words or approximately 20 double-spaced pages. Very short works welcome.
Send prose submissions/proposals to: prosesubmit@bronxarts.org.
For Poetry
Submissions of up to three (3) poems per author.
Send poetry submissions to: poetrysubmit@bronxarts.org.
For Original Digital Art/Photography
Up to three (3) submissions per artist, with a maximum file size of 100 megabytes.
Send digital art/photography submissions or a link to a website to: artphotosubmit@bronxarts.org.
Submissions will be accepted by e-mail only. Include full name, mailing address, and e-mail address in the body of your e-mail. All text pages must be titled and numbered with one-inch margins, double-spaced and typed in 12-point font.
Also if you have any questions or suggestions about The Bronx Writers' Center, please contact Maria Romano, maria@bronxarts.org.
Deadline for submissions to the summer edition
is July 15, 2009
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