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Dramatic artist needed for dramatic story
hmbeast at 8:47PM, July 31, 2008
posts: 1
joined: 7-31-2008
Let's not be modest, I'm a damn good writer. I'm particularly a fan of writing political stories, as well as fantasy, dystopic, science fiction, and, well, pretty much anything. I love comic books (Frank Miller, Alan Moore, Will Eisner, Mike Mignola). I'd love to write one, if I had an artist who could work well with me and had the kind of style and skill I'd like.

Intelligent people only, please. I'd like it if you had MSN or something of the sort, as well, for if I work together with someone I'd expect to be working together very closely.

Sorry if I come off as a dick in this, I'm actually nicer if you got to know me, but I want someone who's creatively strong and intelligent.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:50PM

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