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Drunk Duck Character Livejournals?
MagickLorelai at 10:07PM, Dec. 11, 2008
posts: 338
joined: 1-20-2006
Hey folks! I was struck with a relatively strange but potentially fun idea. You've all heard of Livejournal, correct? Especially how easy it is to set up an account there, even multiple accounts?

Well, I decided (as part of a writing exercise, and partly because it amuses me) to create livejournals for characters from my comic, Ialus. I've had some fun creating icons and posting as each of the characters. Then, the idea hit me; what if other characters from other comics on Drunk Duck were to have their own LJ? The ultimate crossover, no comic-drawing involved!

Okay, that sounds tacky. Want an example of what I'm talking about?
Uriel's Journal
Almarina's Journal
Steve's Journal

You can see them all commenting to each other, to give you an idea of how characters would interact. The idea is to stay in character and reply as your character would.

What do you think? Is anyone interested?

…(Am I just crazy?)
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:50PM
kitsunekage at 6:57AM, Dec. 12, 2008
posts: 86
joined: 7-12-2006
The creator of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac has something similar for Johnny on twitter.
When good people do nothing, the ignoble will rise.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:16PM
MagickLorelai at 9:48AM, Dec. 12, 2008
posts: 338
joined: 1-20-2006
Kitsune, I never claimed that I was the only one to think of this idea. To be honest, I'm sure many others have done the exact same thing, if not on LJ than other places.

What I was hoping to do was develop a community of DD character livejournals, where our characters all interact.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:50PM
patrickdevine at 4:50PM, Dec. 12, 2008
posts: 757
joined: 4-26-2007
I might be down for that.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:41PM
Warpedwenger at 5:48PM, Dec. 14, 2008
posts: 1,778
joined: 4-3-2007
I made a myspace for my character Fenic once. Anybody that added or messaged him I stayed in character no matter what. It was fun but it got old and I quit keeping up with it so eventually I deleted it. I thought about making Lilith one recently but who knows.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:47PM
MagickLorelai at 6:37PM, Dec. 14, 2008
posts: 338
joined: 1-20-2006
For what it's worth, it's no longer just my characters involved; a couple of other characters have joined in.

The point isn't so much JUST a writing exercise in having your character respond to non-characters. The point is to have characters interact with other characters from other stories. When one references their own continuity, and having others comment on that continuity with their own absurd reference, and so on.

Anyway. It's pretty fun. ^^
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:50PM
PyThomas at 3:56AM, Dec. 15, 2008
posts: 277
joined: 11-13-2007
I've got a myspace page for Cassie, which I'll update every once in a while. And she's got many friends (like Hazel from Rule Of Three) which are characters themselves. I'm not really up to keeping a LiveJournal for her, though… but I do post my TLT updates in my LJ page.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:56PM
harkovast at 5:38AM, Dec. 15, 2008
posts: 5,200
joined: 10-12-2008
I dunno if that would work for me.
To give characters in Harkovast their own web pages would imply they have access to the internet, and not only that but the same internet that we here on earth use! This seems to drive a huge truck through the forth wall.
“A world wide web you say, wizard? So we are going to fight a giant spider?”

For more Harkovast related goings on, go to the Harkovast Forum
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:42PM
Senshuu at 2:00AM, Dec. 16, 2008
posts: 391
joined: 5-23-2006
The creator of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac has something similar for Johnny on twitter.

Link? XD

I used to want to do this with some of my characters. I did a long time ago with RP characters but got sick of it quickly. And I have too many characters in LF who already have enough drama in the comic for them to have LJ on top of that. (And none of my characters in Millennium would blog, even if given the chance/technology.)

Seeing my LF charas interact with other people's charas would be pretty funny, though. %D (In his former life, Chains was a huge internet addict.)
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:27PM
Vakanai at 1:42AM, Dec. 17, 2008
posts: 460
joined: 11-20-2007
I might do that for Vakanai (the character I based *loosely* on me).
He'd be the type to do something like that, if only because…
Well, he's crazy. Plus, he's that extra special kind of crazy.
Which works for internet journal doodads.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:38PM
MagickLorelai at 10:39AM, Dec. 20, 2008
posts: 338
joined: 1-20-2006
If anyone's interested in joining in, go ahead and make one. If you want to interact with my characters, friend them, otherwise, just link here in the thread to your character's journal.

Harkovast, my Ialus characters aren't on earth, even though they do have an internet system among the human areas. Still, I'm kinda vaguely having them “magically on Earth”, which is entirely outside of their continuity. It's all about what you're comfortable doing, of course.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:50PM
Farah at 8:02PM, Jan. 24, 2009
posts: 58
joined: 8-16-2007
MagickLorelai, I think you thought up the most original interesting idea ever- making a fictional journal for webcomic characters. :) Well, I've created mine here:
Alice in LJ ^^

Just read the comic details from the journal itself. ;)
Eternity: A Light-Hearted Romance Manga ^_^

last edited on July 14, 2011 12:25PM
Evil Emperor Nick at 1:57PM, Jan. 30, 2009
posts: 395
joined: 1-16-2006
I'm interested. This wasn't quite what I meant when I was talking about collaborating in my journal today but close enough.

I just need to figure out who this would work best for….

last edited on July 14, 2011 12:23PM
SomaX at 9:17PM, Feb. 1, 2009
posts: 271
joined: 2-8-2007
I did this for one of my earlier novels…. then the journal got deleted…. I never found out why…..
#253 in Comic Book/Story #344 Overall ~*~ #383 in Comic Book/Story #517 Overall
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:50PM
Hapoppo at 7:27AM, Feb. 2, 2009
posts: 280
joined: 1-26-2007
This sounds fun, actually… I think Bebe's interested. Deedee's kinda on the fence about it, mainly because she's not much of a fan of social networking, but I'll see if I can convince her.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:42PM

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