Every time I misspell something from here on out, I'm going to say it's because DD won't take my special characters. YAY for excuses!
Also, welcome!
You shouldn't've said that. Now noone'll believe you anymore.
Every time I misspell something from here on out, I'm going to say it's because DD won't take my special characters. YAY for excuses!
Also, welcome!
Product Placement
Product Placement
I like to ensure everyone here that we were not talking in secret code regarding the enslaving of the civilized world, possibly using Godzilla nor Sidney Poitier for that matter. Please do not bother trying to decode it. We were merely saying hello.
Fjukk. Reddadir thessu madur. Ef ad thau vissu….. ;)
I gaer leitadi ‘eg, bara ’ut af forvitni, adeins ‘a oendinni og fann ’ut ad thad eru enn fleiri ‘islendingar her en ’eg bjost vid. Td. einn fra' Akureyri og ein fra' einhverju bondabyli. oO
Jaeja. ‘Eg vona ad thu’ finnur godan teiknara. ‘Eg hlakka til ad lesa ’islenskar myndasoegur. (vonandi betri enn Kafteinn 'Island ^^)
kv. TakeG
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!
Product PlacementRutger
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!
Some of us already are ^^
RutgerProduct PlacementRutger
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!
Some of us already are ^^
Sweet! Is there like a club I can join or anything?