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Gathering a fantistic art team for a CELEBRITY Horror comic
JarrodLD at 4:48PM, July 11, 2008
posts: 1
joined: 5-18-2007
Hello all,

My Name is Jarrod,

I just developed a brand new horror comic that is a new twist on an old genre.“Evil Klowns” I most recently had the fantastic fortune talking to five Celebrities who are offering their likenesses to my comic after I explain to them what it was about. They got excited and would love to be part of this. I wanted to extend this luck to you as well and bring some people along for the ride. I will be looking for a looking for a publisher who can take on this project. I'm going to need an art team. I'm looking for committed artists who are willing to produce 5 pages/plus cover for this high profile comic for submission. When the book gets picked up, you will be paid and be part of something great. I need an artist who can nail down Celebrity likenesses and have a Gothic style. i.e.; The Darkness/Evil Ernie. I also need an inker, colorist and letterer. This book is going to receive a lot of media attention and press. Also be place on each of the Celebrities sites bringing in many, many viewers, so your work is going be seen. I hope I can find the right team here. Write me and I will give you more details about this project.



last edited on July 14, 2011 1:07PM

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