Meet, Greet, Show and Sell*

Hello, I love you. Won't you tell me your name?
Prank at 1:47AM, March 29, 2009
posts: 115
joined: 3-12-2009
Hey there! I'm Prank. I have come from SJ very heavily disappointed with its services and as such have decided to move to the DD site and forums dragging along the comic I co-own with Dark_Link777.

Still working out the kinks with the site and moving the archive but I'm looking forward to interacting with the community, which appears to be very awesome.

Did I miss anything?
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:47PM
Miss Annoying at 5:10AM, March 29, 2009
posts: 316
joined: 7-14-2007
Welcome! ^_^ yay! i LOVE being LOVED :D
and we ARE awesome! and now that you are one of us you will be awesome too 8D

one of us!
one of us!
one of us!

Too many table tops
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:04PM
Custard Trout at 5:08PM, March 29, 2009
posts: 4,566
joined: 2-22-2007
You missed the landmines, that's a good start.

So enjoy your stay and don't drink the. . . oh, right. I forgot.
Hey buddy, you should be a Russian Cosmonaut, and here's why.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:01PM
TokyoRose at 6:07PM, March 29, 2009
posts: 66
joined: 2-24-2009
Woot! Welcome to the Duck! I heard a bit of things about SJ…I'm not into bashing other sites at all…but I have heard that it feels like a club over there mostly…I came here for the same reason as you. Everyone here is so awsome…enjoy your stay.
Forgive your enemies, it messes with their head.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:32PM
Prank at 12:30AM, March 30, 2009
posts: 115
joined: 3-12-2009


Miss Annoying
Welcome! ^_^ yay! i LOVE being LOVED :D
and we ARE awesome! and now that you are one of us you will be awesome too

one of us!
one of us!
one of us!

Love is all you need ;)

Glad to be part of the awesome =D

Custard Trout
You missed the landmines, that's a good start.

So enjoy your stay and don't drink the. . . oh, right. I forgot.

Barely, a warning would have been nice. I'm sure my left arm is having fun in arm heaven or something.

More booby traps o.o!?

Woot! Welcome to the Duck! I heard a bit of things about SJ…I'm not into bashing other sites at all…but I have heard that it feels like a club over there mostly…I came here for the same reason as you. Everyone here is so awsome…enjoy your stay.

Well, my issues were mainly with the administration but I did find the site somewhat narrow with its fanbase.

Looking forward to enjoying my stay here :}

last edited on July 14, 2011 2:47PM
amanda at 10:25AM, March 30, 2009
posts: 2,075
joined: 9-19-2007
Part of the charm here at DD is that we *don't* warn about our booby traps. We like to keep people on their toes here. Mwahaha!

Also, hello ^.^ Glad to have a new convert from SJ. I completely adore this place.
last edited on July 14, 2011 10:51AM
Prank at 11:32PM, March 31, 2009
posts: 115
joined: 3-12-2009
A active introduction thread. Nice to see :)

Slowly, but surely it has begun =D
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:47PM
lothar at 5:04AM, April 1, 2009
posts: 1,754
joined: 1-3-2006
someone with the name “prank” shows up just days before April 1st … hmmm

hey , anyway , welcome
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:45PM
Prank at 9:41PM, April 1, 2009
posts: 115
joined: 3-12-2009
How mysterious, eh? Sadly I got nothing. Maybe next time.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:47PM
Puff_Of_Smoke at 2:11PM, April 2, 2009
posts: 3,510
joined: 5-28-2007
I actually heard that song on the radio yesterday.

I have a gun. It's really powerful. Especially against living things.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:56PM

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