Networking & Community Projects*

creaturestudios at 2:26PM, March 21, 2009
posts: 1
joined: 3-21-2009
Creature Entertainment, LLC is currently accepting submissions for comic book artists, writers, pencillers, inkers, colorists and creators who have completed or semi-completed independent comic books or graphic novels for publication and distribution in print and via our new comics web portal. If you are a comic book creator with a finished or nearly-finished project (in any language) looking for help in getting your work published and distributed through traditional avenues as well as new distribution web outlets with international exposure, please submit a sample of the project artwork and a synopsis of the story to:

If you are a comic book artist, writer, penciller, inker, and/or colorist interested in working on new titles, please send a sample of your work to the email address above or call us at 305.500.9511 for more information.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:49AM
skoolmunkee at 4:47PM, March 21, 2009
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
You're probably gonna have to pitch a bit harder than that when your website doesn't even work, man.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:42PM
the2ndredbaron at 10:22PM, March 21, 2009
posts: 707
joined: 11-19-2008
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:16PM
Niccea at 7:24AM, March 22, 2009
posts: 5,922
joined: 8-10-2007
Actually, Skool, is it normal for someone to join and then use their first post to advertise something?
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:13PM

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