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Need to get a team of artists for a comic book for a very dedicated writer :)
philmer at 11:35AM, July 28, 2008
posts: 1
joined: 7-28-2008

Hey everyone. I'm new to the site (was directed here by another web page forum)

I have a comic book project in the works. I've been working on this for years. It's a teenage superhero story, kindof fun like Spider-Man used to be, Kindof dramatic like anything that used to be played on the “WB” and some good action. Shock and Awe? I'm all about it!

I'm happy to chat with people just interrested in the comic, but I DESPERATELY need to find some solid and dependable artists to work this project with me. I have one artist that is amazing but… busy he only can do about 1 issue a year :(

The Ideal plan would be an artistic team of 3 - 4 artists that would roatate by storyline (1 - 6 issues at a time depending on strength and speed) so no one is getting bogged down.

Hit me up if you're interrested, I have alot of big plans for this series, and the aftermath of it. is my e-mail.

The comic has it's own web page as well:

It has a promo video for the first issue as well.

anyway, Hit me up with any and all interrest….even if you're new at the art….even better we can build this together.

last edited on July 14, 2011 2:43PM

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