Meet, Greet, Show and Sell*

Nice place you have here
StaceyMontgomery at 6:15PM, April 9, 2007
posts: 520
joined: 4-7-2007
I was posting one of my comics over on the forum and a nice person there mentioned that I should try putting up my comics over here. So here I am. Drunkduck is kewl, and I'm having fun discovering a lot of new comics. Also, the people around here have been very kind to a noob-y, so thank you.

So - Hi. My name is Stacey. I live in Boston, and I love to make comics. Most of my stuff has been done in little ‘zines and such, but nowadays I’m trying to do comics on this “web” thing that everyone is talking about. Recently I found myself more or less unemployed, so I did what any rational person would do - I threw myself into mad webcomic production because, um, I could not think of a better thing to do with my time. Of course, the real world will catch up with me eventually, but until then, I am a drawing machine.

See you all in the funny papers!

- Stacey
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:55PM

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