
Talk about the remix you got!
Tantz_Aerine at 7:04AM, April 16, 2007
posts: 1,995
joined: 10-11-2006
I figured, the wonderful art by other fellow artists must be given a thread and they must receive more praise than a single line and a 5 under their page in the Comic Remix site. So, I go first, since I am one of those who got special treatment this round ;)

Darth Mongoose's remix:

Darth, you really made my day with your remix. I was especially happy to see someone finally taking into account that Davey's nose is hooked. Hehee. It was part of his design even from the very start when I was just doodling these characters. I was amazed at how much your remix felt decidedly ‘Wolf’… but actually ‘Darth Wolf’ :cat: I could recognise that it was you making the remix even from the thumbnail, and I was very excited about that. I liked that you brought the intensity of speed and despair as well as the flippant dark irony Davey has at times. And you gave him a respectable gun! I can't draw guns, even with references, the poor soul to shoot them would have them blow up in their hands. This was probably the best gun Davey will ever hold, even in the worst way possible XD Heheee. Wow, did I mention I love the remix? ;)

Reboundcomic's remix:

That was a great, unexpected surprise for me! It warmed me to the cockles of my heart. And it was so novel! Not only the lineart and the way it was shaded (which I really respect, it must have taken ages) but the ANGLES! There were so many different angles, and he also drew that invisible elevator I never bothered drawing. Hehee! That was a treat. I also liked how Davey looks positively badass in the first panel. He rarely looks that, poor guy. As well as the small panels while the twins are screaming, with the shot of Zoe's eyes (quite feral) and David's (quite forlorn).

It feels like Christmas! Only topped when someone tells me how they enjoyed reading my book and threatening to flog me if the second one isn't released yesterday. XD hehehe!

Thanks guys!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
reboundcomic at 12:13AM, April 17, 2007
posts: 43
joined: 5-10-2006
I must confess the reason I did that line art that way was because it is easier to shade than how I normally do my comic. Now I am incorporating some of it into my own strip.

It was very fun to do, a huge departure from my little slice of life strip. The action does not flow as well as I would have liked, but it made me step outside the box a bit.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
Tantz_Aerine at 5:47AM, Aug. 29, 2007
posts: 1,995
joined: 10-11-2006
I am reviving this for Round 3.0 I think everyone who made a remix deserves a more detailed thank you note than just a passing comment under their remix :)

ncbaddwolf's Wolf remix

I was bowled over and actually scared when I saw ncbaddwolf's remix! lol! It took me a while to get accustomed to the same intense page being delivered in such a slapstick, zany, punch-and-judy way! It is so completely off the mood of Wolf that for a moment I was like ‘no way!’. But then I saw the merits of using Zou Zou as a weapon instead of the scythe. lol! lol! lol! That cracked me up so much that I still snickered when I thought about it afterwards.

All in all, I have to give great kudos to ncbaddwolf for inducing so much laughter and remixing a scene to look as if someone from the ‘Scary Movie’ or ‘Epic Movie’ crew of writers had had a hand in it. Very special and very unusual :) Truly one I will remember, just like I am lucky enough to be able to say about all the remixes I have received so far.

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM
usedbooks at 7:36AM, Aug. 29, 2007
posts: 3,357
joined: 2-24-2007
Tantz Aerine's remix of Used Books

Got to watch myself so I don't just go randomly gushing like some insane fan… Wolf is my favorite comic on DD, and this is my first exposure to the Comic Remix, so, um, you know…

Before entering this thing, I had two minor fears about remixin'. Either someone would do my comic some injustice, so my writing was sorta insulted… or someone would take my writing and turn it into a good looking comic page, completely showing up my struggling attempts at art. (Facing my fears isn't too hard, especially since the chosen page was drawn back in February, and is among the 200-some pages I would redraw myself if I had the time – though admittedly certainly not this good. ;) ) Anyway, that said, Tantz has a real knack for capturing intense dramatic moods, and while I was thrown for a loop that she was chosen to remix Used Books, her outstanding execution of the remix was not unexpected. I think she chose a great page too. I loved that scene. It was one I planned out a few weeks before drawing it (impatiently working my way through other chapters, wanting to get to the sinister turn… ), and each time I played the dialogue in my head, it brought tears to my eyes. Tantz's remix was able to evoke that emotion all over again, and that's really great. I gotta add that Mike is probably my favorite character in my entire comic, but I don't think my readers appreciate him much. It was so cool to see one of his scenes remixed.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:31AM

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