its weird, i started doing comics well over a year ago (i think it might be 2) and first i did non-sequitor types then i started doing the ePUNKS storyline, then i quit where my hosting was (it costs money and had a terrible layout and i couldnt figureout how to make a next button or nothing) and i cane to drunkduck. coming here made it easier for me to comics for some reason. i had 15 pages when i first came here and in like 2 months i now have over 50. its awsome.
thank you DrunkDuck.
in othernews i had alot of fun yesterday, hung out with my awsome friend Ian, and his super-cool girlfriend Kayla. i totally cockblocked him and made it impossible for him to get any on my bed. it was fun, i think its my newest game.
thanks and much love,
Matt Fatt
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