Ok, let me start by saying I meant to do this much earlier, I just had no idea how the blog feature worked, having been used to DA's format. Yes I'm retarded, sorry. =A=;
So if you've been following a while, here's what you can expect to happen now that we've been going for a bit. If you're new here, HI glad to have you here, and here's the plan. :D
Spell'mon was NOT originally intended to be a webcomic, but a printed series via a self-publishing service and as such is already planned out in its entirety.
“Spell'mon” will consist of 3 volumes, each 8 chapters, each 160 pages. Volume 1 is already complete, and will be updating at the rate of a page a day except under certain circumstances where doing so would in some way hinder the experience. Some jokes and dialogue were meant to be read one after the other, it happens.
The following 2 volumes are anyone's guess, but for sure the pacing will be significantly less once things start heating up.
Bearing in mind that the project does have an official website, and Drunkduck is just a mirror, so if you want to read all of Volume 1 and some of Volume 2 now, be my guest. Here's the link. There's also a Zazzle and Createspace shop as well as a load of other goodies, check it out if you want.
Also, get ready for mood whiplash once Volume 2 gets going. Volume 1 is NOT indicative of the series general mood, trust me.
I..think that's all I have to say on this subject. It's long overdue, but better late than never.
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