The Chronicles of Gaddick

Getting to Know Gaddick
Gaddick at 7:56PM, April 30, 2010
posts: 18
joined: 1-25-2010
The Chronicles of Gaddick was a fairly successful hit in Forks High School about the misadventures of an 8-bit version of myself that has since slowly evolved and occasionally de-evolved into a cult favorite with my friends. I've taken it in several directions and from that grew experienced in sprite editing and animations (still working on flashes and gifs but I'm a newbie at such things). Gaddick has taken the form of sprite versions of Halo, South Park and various others until I decided it was time to just revamp the thing into an actual series.

I've gathered a ridiculous amount of resources for the latest comic and went through an untold amount of editing with the original sprites all while thinking, writing and working on some form of a plot line that while being pulled away from the usual assness of the original comic lines still holds alot of the old humor and gags of the old stuff. Eventually if the fan base grows in demand I hope to evolve this into much more, delving into more games for resources and maybe even find some one to help me out with that along with making a potential flash comic (not a lot unlike 8-bit theater which was one of the inspirations in the first place) with vocals and real animations and the such. Eventually after the first chapter, Castlevania, I'll add a slew of characters from my old comics which are avatars of my friends in the real world, and then all sorts of hell will break loose for all those to enjoy.

That's about it for now, I thank those who have taken the time to read this and get to know me, and more so to those who leave comments every where my name is mentioned. Stay radical believers, and enjoy the hard work a man does in his spare time!
'Life is like a box of ammo' - Duke Nukem
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:14AM
Castle Pokemetroid at 12:47PM, March 14, 2011
posts: 115
joined: 6-25-2010
Did you get around to making that animation yet?
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:14AM

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