
Salsa, maybe you should lead by example and post the giant rants on the forum?
First off. I remember asking people to discuss this review in the forums, seeing as that is the reason we have them.
Second, I appreciate that you didn't use the Anon feature to post your comment, Wolfmaine. I's also like to know which comic you're referring to and why you think it “sucks balls.”
Third, Any reviewer is a person with opinions, which can color a review, but there is a general consensus on what makes good writing and what makes good art. I feel that Something To Do doesn't meet either of those. I'm not saying people don't like it. It's obvious others do. I'm saying that as far as I'm concerned, this isn't a good comic.
Fourth, We don't review a comic unless the person asks us to. I will admit that Shikersama probably didn't have a good idea of how our reviews go at the time. Saying “don't like don't read” when we were asked to review it is kind of a jerk move.
Fifth, as it has been said, this is a journal comic. As I have said a few times, real life often makes for a boring comic. We have reviewed a comic that is similar to this one by Rokulily. The art was good and the writing is consistently good. While many of the things that happen in the comic happened in real life it was entertaining. This wasn't. A solution to that might be to pare down the events depicted to the ones that are the funniest. This leads me to why I feel that journal comics aren't good comics in general. The author feels the need to document everything and put it up on the web. Honestly, unless the person is an adrenaline junkie, most of what goes up is boring and has been heard, or read a hundred times before. Maybe if I had made that clearer in the review or in my responses you would have understood why I feel the way I do about this comic.
and I also
I'd like to take a moment to remind people that we have a forum for a reason and it's rather bare at the moment. I do appreciate all the comments though.
@Shikersama: Thanks for not flame war. I apologize for my overreaction in the review.
@Larry: At least I didn't outr- oh what I did…oops.
@Hark: Wait, what? I'm being called harsh, by you? Okay so I was, but I think I overreacted more than anything.
@Everyone: Sorry about the eye straining color. I'll fix it asap. As for the harshness of my side of the review, yes this is not typically the kind of comic I enjoy. I read what I read because I enjoy reading them. I found reading this a chore. I made the comparison to CAD and PA because the style of the humor in Something To Do reminds me of those comics. The pages right before the ones about the senior prom feature a page where the music suggestion list is basically “Mainstream Song by Mainstream band that both suck.” I very much dislike humor like that, which is one of the reasons I dislike this comic. As I said in the review, I like to be entertained by what I read. I understand it's a journal comic and it probably sticks close to real life, but there's no reason the author can't exaggerate what happened, or even fabricate a story. He doesn't have to fight monsters per say, but right now I find this comic rather boring. Could it be the presentation? Yes, but it could be other things too. Please reply to this in the forum, it makes it much easier to keep track of things.
Salsa, I also find journal comics boring.
I also find big brother pretty boring.
But my wife loves it and so do millions of others.
Just because you dont like a genre, does not mean it has no merit.
I dont like a lot of genres, but I can appreciated when they are done well or badly.
I dont enjoy sprite comics, but some sprite comics are better than others.
Beinga reviewer means stepping back and considering these things if you want to get taken seriously and not just seem like an angry jerk.
You COULD mess with my posts….but then I would stop posting.
So who really wins when we abuse our power?
Salsa I still find it amusing that you set out to do nicer reviewers and then proceed to make a review way more angry then anything me and Kv have done just 4 pages in! I am just worried what will happen when a REALLY bad comic comes along for you!