MAFIA... and other forum games

Describe a Game as dumb as you can
Jesse_Koehler at 3:14AM, July 27, 2023
posts: 58
joined: 10-12-2022
So a Thread about describing Comics that way exist. why Not doing it with Games?

An example:

Links awakening: a Boy wakes Up on an Island to Figure Out, how to wake Up on The Island.
Archer Xanthorg at 5:48AM, Aug. 16, 2023
posts: 10
joined: 12-31-2020
Kirby Canvas Curse: a quadruple amputee fights an evil witch.
Zero Hour at 7:33PM, Oct. 1, 2023
posts: 93
joined: 5-2-2018
Super Mario Bros
Italian steals all the money from a kingdom and murders its habitants to get with the princess
Jesse_Koehler at 2:52AM, Oct. 2, 2023
posts: 58
joined: 10-12-2022
Mario Odyssey: The italian still steals Money and murders inhabitants, but That dumb fuck still doesn't realise, that He won't get more than a stupid kiss From His crush.
therealtj at 3:10PM, Feb. 1, 2025
posts: 3,305
joined: 3-15-2007
MGS4 - The crises of the middle east is solved by an old man and his Roomba changing everyone's encryption keys.

“The only moral it is possible to draw from this story is that one should never throw the letter Q into a privet bush, but unfortunately there are times when it is unavoidable.”
-Douglas Adams, The Restaurant At the End of the Universe
Jesse_Koehler at 7:49AM, Feb. 4, 2025
posts: 58
joined: 10-12-2022
Dark souls: you die. Then you get killed after you get murdered and in The end you're dead
therealtj at 9:38AM, Feb. 6, 2025
posts: 3,305
joined: 3-15-2007
Hollow Knight - A Bug's Life PSX 2d demake

“The only moral it is possible to draw from this story is that one should never throw the letter Q into a privet bush, but unfortunately there are times when it is unavoidable.”
-Douglas Adams, The Restaurant At the End of the Universe
Zero Hour at 1:26PM, Feb. 8, 2025
posts: 93
joined: 5-2-2018
No more Heroes - a guy that is at the same time cool and lame simps so much he kills people

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