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Maura the Mole - here on the Duck
PaulEberhardt at 5:00PM, April 23, 2024
posts: 147
joined: 7-21-2007
It's only a week from now, so I here's the official announcement:
Maura the Mole, which has been published in print before, will be go live here on the Duck from 1st May to 19th May!

Maura the Mole is a short illustrated story in verse that can be read not just by children but also by grown-ups. In point of fact, some people would say it isn't a children's book at all, only that it's literally all ages and the kids enjoy the drawings, too.
After it had first appeared in print, I got a lot of feedback about the many things that people can see in Maura's story, from just a bit of fun to profound philosophical interpretations, all of which curiously make sense, even if I hadn't thought about them while drawing and rhyming it.
I'm curious about what all you cool people here on the Duck think, I won't go into more detail for now, to avoid spoilers. Let's say, expect the unexpected. If you know my stuff from Master the Tiger, you'll recognize the style but will find there are some differences in tone and general approach.

I can however mention that all of my initial readers had a ton of fun, and I hope so will you.

I pre-uploaded the entire story, so even if I should get buried in a pile of dirt or something you will get to see it all. It will update daily for the first few days and then switch to every two days and on both days of the weekend. This schedule is the one I feel works best with the pacing of the story. I'd upload it all at once, but, well, I want everyone to notice it's there. You know how it is.

Those who absolutely can't wait can of course still get a printed copy. πŸ˜€I'll add the details at a later point when the eBay page goes live.
last edited on April 30, 2024 1:59PM
PaulEberhardt at 5:07PM, April 23, 2024
posts: 147
joined: 7-21-2007
I should mention that Master the Tiger will, at some future point, get some new pages as well. At least I've done a bit of pencil work recently. Of course there's a zillion things that need attending, business as usual, and for some reasons I don't draw these shenanigans as fast as anything else I do, so it might still take a while.

I'm always saying that, right? πŸ˜‰ But seriously, there are going to be new pages eventually. I volunteered as an awards presenter again, too, and I wouldn't have if I wasn't fairly sure I'd get done what I'm planning to.
PaulEberhardt at 1:48PM, April 30, 2024
posts: 147
joined: 7-21-2007
PaulEberhardt wrote:
Those who absolutely can't wait can of course still get a printed copy. πŸ˜€I'll add the details at a later point when the eBay page goes live.

As promised, here's the ordering info:

If you happen to live in Germany, the easiest, fastest and cheapest way is to order it at your local bookstore:
● ISBN 978 3 945130-03-2

Everywhere else used to be more difficult for a long time, for various reasons, but I found out how to ship books internationally at a reasonable price and put up a batch for worldwide sale on eBay:
(This has the additional perk that I'll sign your copy if you add a note to your purchase, asking me to.)
There is also a PlattdΓΌtsch version called Mieke Mullworp which can be bought through the same channels at the same conditions:
● ISBN 978 3 945130-13-1

Maura the Mole will launch itself by midnight Pacific Time, I think, or whatever time good ol' Duckie considers to be midnight.
last edited on April 30, 2024 1:51PM
PaulEberhardt at 7:57AM, May 2, 2024
posts: 147
joined: 7-21-2007
The first proper double page went online today.

New double pages are posted in between the front and back cover. It's a small comic, they'll be easy to find.

Until 5 May, there is going to be a new double page each day. After that the update pace is set to slow down a bit to Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

Thanks to everyone who's enjoyed the first bits of Maura the Mole so far!
PaulEberhardt at 8:58AM, May 19, 2024
posts: 147
joined: 7-21-2007
And that's it. All the pages have gone online today, so you can enjoy reading it front to back in one go, which I honestly think is the best way to read Maura the Mole anyway.

Needless to say, I'm not going to delete it again like some people with their stuff in print do these days. It's going to stay here on the Duck, and I'll always appreciate your comments.

Thanks to all those who have commented on it. I'm glad you enjoyed the ride, and it makes me very happy to get this positive response.

What else is there to say? I'm drawing new pages for Master the Tiger hoping to get a episode up before this decade is out. πŸ˜‰πŸš€πŸŒ’ In fact, there is a reasonable chance that I'll manage within the next few months. No promises, of course - my job keeps me very busy at the moment - but I really want to get my ideas on paper and on the screen, and I'm actually working on it.

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