Join The Military (Joke)
Jam999 at 10:49AM, May 11, 2024
posts: 11
joined: 2-23-2024
Do you enjoy showering with other men, but feel the need to pick on sissies? Do you long for a dominating man in your life? Do you like playing with your helmet or stabbing people with your bayonet? Do you find it difficult to think for yourself? You just might be perfect for the military! We'll teach you how to make beds, marching squares, shine shoes, clean bathrooms, kill a man with your bear hands, and do it all with pride! The military teaches you all the skills you'll need later in life! Call 1-800-BE A HERO, and become a real man today!
Stick Keys3 at 2:40PM, June 11, 2024
posts: 2
joined: 6-10-2024

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