page one

princefishie lover on March 10, 2022

this is a comic based off some stuff i came up with in 2017 when i worked at sobeys penhorn, the former site of penhorn mall, which i drew on this page. some of the things in this comic are old, some are new. originally it was just 4-panel style and they were just quick storyboards with extremely minimal detail to the characters. just blob people with the occasional hat or whatever. and some parts of the “story” (i use that word loosely) are new.

i did this as a test to see what it would be like if i made a comic digitally. i drew it in tegaki which is very low res and simple. i don't think i would do it again. maybe in a different program. also i did all ten pages in ten days but i'm just going to upload them weekly but it wouldn't be that hard to find the rest right now LOL