Meet Dad
girldirtbiker on May 23, 2012
Happy friday everyone!………..So I've been thinking of deleting my DD account. Simply becuase i have way to many other things to manage that are more important. I mean this comic is already on deviantart and smackjeeves (and up to date I may add) plus I have the Zelda fan comic to on both sites and another comic underway.
This is merley a thought but probably will happen, just wanted to let you all know ahead of time if I go throught with it.
slashdotdash at 11:31PM, May 26, 2012
O.O I knew it!!! ...actually I thought they might be siblings, but I was kinda close..!
Rain27 at 8:21PM, May 26, 2012
RedCast15 at 12:44PM, May 26, 2012
Aww, I like LWS here. I get to relive the story kinda. But I know how super busy you are, whatever best for ya :)
dragonestea at 7:06PM, May 25, 2012
daddy issues coming it at twelve o'clock high!
Darius Drake at 3:38PM, May 25, 2012
This comic's on other sites? I... did not know that. I'll go catch up on those sites, since you just said that they're further along. ...looks at pages up on the Smackjeeves... it's 50 pages ahead of here. Well, looks like I've got some catching up to do.