QUACKCAST Episode 121 - Banes talks Toonboom Studio

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 16, 2013


This is another Quackcast in our technical series focussing on the stuff people use to make webcomics. This week we focus on the art program chiefly used by Banes in the making of his comic, Typical Strange, and that program is Toonboom studio! Toonboom is mainly for doing ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 119 - Kevin "Kota's World" Hayman

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 2, 2013


Owen Wilson. Owen Wilson. Owen Wilson: Kevin Hayman IS Owen Wilson, only better looking and twice as talented. Listen find out for yourself.
Kevin is a really interesting guy, he's been doing webcomics since they were a thing. His Kota's World ran from 2000-2005 (and a ...

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DD Awards planning needs your participation! Also Radio Play 2013 and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 12:14AM, April 1, 2013

The DD awards are still under discussion, so find out about running or being nominated for the 2013 DD comic awards! Don't forget to participate in the category discussions, because some categories are going down without anyone to advocate for them!

The DD Radio play is looking to get ...

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Thorsday newspostage

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 28, 2013

Another newspoting for me on this lovely Thursday, JUSSSSSST before Easter. Yay, long weekenddddd
(remember to pronounce all of that's “D”s in your head ;)
That pic on the newspost is another in my continuing series of portable tablet drawn skecthes, (Bigger version HERE ). This time the inspiration was ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 118 - The Industry Standard

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 26, 2013


In Quackcast 118 Banes and I approach the subject of Photoshop, attempting to give a quick intro to the dark, mysterious, primordial creator god of webcomics… in our own rambling way, well in MY own rambling way since I'm the on bumbling through pretending to know what ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 117 - Figuring out how to draw

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 19, 2013


After Bravo1102 mysteriously vanished from his remote, smelly, shack in the wilderness, Banes and I were thrown back onto our own not inconsiderable resources in an attempt for a replacement topic! That was provided for us serendipitously by Skoolmunkee and her fantastic newspost about figure drawing! So Banes ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 116 - Bravo in the Valley of the Dolls

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 12, 2013


This week Banes and I speak to the dangerous, paranoid, recluse known ONLY by the mysterious call sign: Bravo1102. We tracked this fearsome wildman down, deep in a dark forest, living alone in a lonely lone shack, feeding on squirrels and noodle flavoured earthworms. It was from this ...

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Ozone's Thorsday post!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 7, 2013

So this is my attempt to follow Skoolmunkee, but first…

Princess_Gretz says: My comic "the WTF series" Is going to reach 25 pages!

That was a cool bit of news. Catch that comic while it's hot, new and fresh! Princes Gretz has another fine looking comic that's just ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 115 - A New Order

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 5, 2013


Skool has temporarily reformed from her evil ways to come onto the Quackcast with Banes and Ozoneocean to talk about some changes to the newsposting and feature schedule.
*Wednesday features - With slightly less traffic to the site we think it’s better to give one feature an entire ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 114 - Behind the Bill

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 26, 2013


In this special behind the scenes version of the Quackcast we take a look at the men behind the microphones, their struggles and triumphs as they work tirelessly week after week to put out Quackcasts- We cover the early days, the rising tensions between our two mega-popular superstars ...

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