A manga-styled story based on the tale of Faust, a man who sold his soul to the devil in exchange for power and knowledge. The beginning of this comic focuses on Claire, the woman who for some reason feels obligated to the young doctor despite the village's hatred of ...
Today's featured comic is Hiro!
skoolmunkee at 4:31AM, March 17, 2008From the fella that brought us Blip and Action comes the story of Hiro, a boy who is learning martial arts at the Oyama School of Defense. Things aren't so serious though- he's not THAT great (yet), although he does try to stop a pink ninja from bullying ...
Today's featured comic is Death Apprentice!
skoolmunkee at 1:12AM, March 13, 2008A young boy, convinced of his own uselessness, sits down near a bridge in the snow to have a good mope. Soon he gets a strange visitor, Death, who takes the boy with him because he needs an apprentice. The boy must have promise, although Death finds him annoying and ...
Todays featured comic is Little Terrors!
skoolmunkee at 1:32AM, March 10, 2008
A boy wakes up in a London overrun by zombies and other monsters… sound familiar? Well, this comic is nothing like certain movies. In this case, the boy is a monster himself and finds other monsters to team up with in order to first survive, second save the world… Deceptively ...
Today's featured comic is Lacerated Veil!
skoolmunkee at 11:10PM, March 5, 2008Lacerated Veil
Te Gustan los comicos del web espanoles? *snicker* well even if you do, speaking even a single word of Spanish won't help you understand this very funny (but spooky strange) comic! Super cute simplistic art, recommended on a very high LOL to panel ratio!
today's featured comic is Action!
skoolmunkee at 12:10AM, March 3, 2008Like any good silent comic, Action doesn't have any words. Wait, let's try that again. Action is all about action. It's a story conveyed through visuals only- but what visuals they are! The art (kinetic, striking, beautiful, scary) moves things along in this spine-tingly tale of a ...
Today's featured comic is...
skoolmunkee at 11:14PM, Feb. 27, 2008Kerslash!
At every college party, there's someone who shuts themselves in the bathroom and starts throwing up. (At least, that's where you hope they do it.) In this case, it's a girl… with a sword? Who is this failed ninja and how did she end up here ...
A special plea from skoolmunkee!
skoolmunkee at 4:50PM, Feb. 23, 2008OK guys, I'm going to reveal a secret here. A BIG one.
The average number of clicks a featured comic can expect to get (if it has a good thumbnail and blurb) is about 7,000 views its first day of being featured. In a few notable instances (recently ...
Lots of random little news bits today!
skoolmunkee at 11:18AM, Feb. 8, 2008First of all, an apology for not having a new featured comic up. Something about the new main page design isn't bringing up the comics we've put in, so… I suppose a new comic will be up as soon as it's fixed, or whenever we can pester ...
Man why it rainin so much lately
skoolmunkee at 1:39AM, Jan. 15, 2008I'm hijacking this newspost to make my announcements first! Because I can.
Firstly, we've had a bit more trouble lately filling 3 featured comics spots a week. I'm not saying the good comics aren't there any more, I'm just saying we've been pretty busy ...