Vanguard and Character Development milestones, House of the Muses plans a Kickstarter

skoolmunkee at 7:38AM, Dec. 3, 2011

On Friday, MrHades's Vanguard turned 2 years old! Huzzah!

gunwallace's Character Development has reached 475 pages!

from houseofmuses:

Here’s the day so many readers around the world have been waiting for! Join the Kickstarter campaign to produce House of the Muses worldwide in high-quality paperback editions through ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 53 - Spriters are people too! -And don't forget Secret Santa!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 29, 2011


SIGN UP *more bellow.

The venerable Skoolmunkee is the special guest this week! This time we have a completely biased and entirely uninformed chat about all aspects of sprite comicing, from their short and turbulent history, to their glittering present and beyond into a glorious galaxy spanning empire that ...

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Monday feature -> 1946

skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, Nov. 28, 2011

The Red Three are Russians (and likely communists) in Paris in 1946. It's a dangerous place to be, and they're up to something they don't want anyone knowing they're doing. Leonid (the old one), Maksim (the handsome one), and Grigori (the young one) have come with ...

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THURSDAY FEATURE --> Drunk Duck Awards 2011

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 24, 2011

It's the DD 2011 Awards!
Every year we have a DD awards and this year they've just finished being given out. Niccea, Awards Empress, was at the helm this time, having taken over from JustNoPoint, and she did a fantastic job managing the whole thing! Many, many people ...

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harkovast spotlight and milestone for Muse of a Knight!

skoolmunkee at 8:43AM, Nov. 23, 2011

harkovast is in the community spotlight today! hark should be a familiar name to just about everybody- and not just because he's good at talking his comic up! He jumped into DD with both feet and has been active on the forums, commenting on comics, and helping plan, participate ...

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Dark Mischief Anthology on Sale Now!

skoolmunkee at 11:55AM, Nov. 20, 2011

from houseofmuses:

Dark Mischief Anthology on Sale Now!
Edited by Jenni Gregory
Cover by Mitch Byrd

Standard Sized Paperback
Full Color
Page Count: 200

Dark Mischief Vol 1 is a full color collection of the spooky and supernatural, featuring stories and art by some of the best creators in ...

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2011 Comic Awards, QC contributions, Lite Bites and Apocalypse 2030 milestones

skoolmunkee at 4:55AM, Nov. 18, 2011

You guys didn't forget about the 2011 Comic Awards did you? (Run by royduncan100, houseofmuses, and others!) Their winners have been announced (with all the big graphics, riotous humor and good-natured mocking you'd expect). Be sure to check out all the pages- they really make a production out ...

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Gullas in the Spotlight, 2011 DD Secret Santa, Culture Shock contest!

Ozoneocean at 12:31AM, Nov. 16, 2011

Ayesinback suggested this fine upstanding paragon of everything that is wonderful about DD and I heartily agree with her!
Gullas participated in both years of the radio contest, he performed as a DD award judge, he’s a staple of the mafia game, a comic-creator, a contributor to Quackcasts and ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 51 - The 2011 Drunk Duck Awards! Niccea to the rescue!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 15, 2011

It's that time of year, the Drunk Duck Awards have rolled around again. This year Niccea is the Awards Empress, taking over from JustNoPoint and she has done a marvellous job with all the complications she's had to deal with. In this Quackcast we announce which comics have ...

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Monday feature -> ELEANOR

skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, Nov. 14, 2011

This beautiful comic is about a young girl who falls from a cliff and the almost magical world she finds as she reaches the bottom. She never truly stops falling (see the comic's tagline) and although she lives, she is haunted endlessly by what she saw. Later pages of ...

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