Featured comic -> Illuminia

skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, April 10, 2013

This lovely comic is just starting out, but it's so impressive I think people should know about it as early as possible! Illuminia is an atmospheric story about a conflict between light and dark. In a middle-eastern market, a grotesque demon of the dark crawls from a well. Luckily ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Cat Nine Take Two

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 4, 2013

This is the second attempt at this comic subject, the first being hosted elsewhere. One day a college student hears a noise in an alleyway and ends up saving a small kitten, little does he know the comedy and drama that will ensue… Spoiler: shape-changing cat girl! Cat Nine is ...

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Thorsday newspostage

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 28, 2013

Another newspoting for me on this lovely Thursday, JUSSSSSST before Easter. Yay, long weekenddddd
(remember to pronounce all of that's “D”s in your head ;)
That pic on the newspost is another in my continuing series of portable tablet drawn skecthes, (Bigger version HERE ). This time the inspiration was ...

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Featured comic -> Blackened Rags

skoolmunkee at 12:10AM, March 27, 2013

This abstract comic by Skreem makes no sense that I can figure. That doesn't mean it's not great, though. Featuring a small cast of uniquely disturbing characters, each page is slightly unsettling (and even vaguely obscene). Claypoole's lack of respect for polite society is entertaining, the Late ...

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Inchoatica at 100 pages, and some DD tumblr stuff!

skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, March 25, 2013

Mina_Lunga says:
I've got a small milestone as my comic “Inchoatica” just hit page #100!

In other news, I've mentioned this before but DD has a tumblr account! I'm managing it for now, and I'd love to help promote some DDers and the site with it ...

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Thank the Gods it's Freyjaday!!!!!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 22, 2013

Hello my peoples!
So I've been naughty about the Thorsday posts… I was ill last Thursday and gave this to Skool to post on last Friday, but there was a misunderstanding and she thought I was going to post it… and I couldn't very well post this on ...

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Featured comic -> Dreams of a Dark Hunter

skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, March 20, 2013

Reed has spent his youth enjoying his life to the full. Funny and athletic- Reed has never wanted for friends, but even in a crowded room he has always felt alone. Today, on his 27th birthday, Reed finds himself drawn to a strange woman, and dark secret his parents can ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Runnin With a Gun

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 13, 2013

The story is about a woman sniper. The way she found herself in that occupation came from a traumatic childhood and a good for nothing father. She is conflicted at one moment on the job because she lets her feelings get in the way of her work and misses a ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 116 - Bravo in the Valley of the Dolls

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 12, 2013


This week Banes and I speak to the dangerous, paranoid, recluse known ONLY by the mysterious call sign: Bravo1102. We tracked this fearsome wildman down, deep in a dark forest, living alone in a lonely lone shack, feeding on squirrels and noodle flavoured earthworms. It was from this ...

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Today in my newspost I'm gonna talk about life drawing!

skoolmunkee at 12:02AM, March 11, 2013

OK so one thing that people who ask for art advice always get told to do is “take a life drawing class.” The way people make it sound, it's like it's supposed to change your whole drawing world, make you amazing at anatomy, and maybe even you'll ...

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