Four Endings

Banes at 12:00AM, Dec. 29, 2022

As we approach the end of another year, I had a few ideas about topics related to endings.

If you've read my articles for awhile, you may remember discussions about wants and needs - the plot objective that is more ‘physical’ is the want, and the emotional or thematic pursuit ...

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Quackcast 615 - Happy Christmas!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 27, 2022

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Happy Life Day! Hahaha!
Merry Christmas for 2 days ago… This week we're talking about the “Christmas specials” that populate entertainment media this time of year ...

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Meet the Hero in Stasis

Banes at 12:00AM, Sept. 22, 2022

Tony Stark is glib, arrogant, and a war profiteer. And the perfect Protagonist.

I don't believe stories should be written strictly according to formulas - but writing according to structures that have been established can be helpful to a script when needed.

With that disclaimer out of the way, let ...

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So About Black Ariel...

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Sept. 17, 2022

I liked her. The trailer dropped and I didn't quite like the trailer, but I liked her.

Hear me out, now.

I think Halle Bailey can absolutely, 100% work as a mermaid. A little mermaid, if you like. There's just something in the way she's set up ...

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Quackcast 599 - Badaptations

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Sept. 6, 2022

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Source material is something that we can love and respect, but it's just as often disregarded, degenerated, and denigrated, especially these days where it seems like ...

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Fantastic Bestiary 12: The Na’vi

Andreas_Helixfinger at 12:00AM, Aug. 28, 2022

Another pop cultural fantastic bestiary Sunday. Anybody remember the movie Avatar? Not the kung-fu fantasy one, the tribal sci-fi one. The James Cameron’s Avatar as it was marketed. I still remember it being the movie that REALLY set the standard for what CGI technology can do cinematically, making this ...

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Struck Sure

Banes at 12:00AM, June 30, 2022

Changing structure of…structure.

*note to self: come up with better title before upload time. don't look like a FOOL again!


First, remember to vote in the Drunk Duck Awards! There's only a week and a bit remaining before the voting booth is closed. Remember, you can ...

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QUACKCAST 589 - AB positive

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 28, 2022

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A and B stories… And C, and D etc. It seems that it's more popular than ever to have stories with multiple concurrent threads. This is ...

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Friday Fashion Spotlight 27: John Henry Hunter

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 10, 2022

Welcome to…
The DD Fashion Spotlight!
Number 27.

John Henry Hunter is a terrible dastardly villain in a very classic sense… he's handsome, has a great goatee, fierce eyebrows, a marvelous figure with a powerful chest, and most importantly for this article: he dresses with style and care. He ...

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MindTricks 1 - Memory

Banes at 12:00AM, May 26, 2022

I don't wanna be remembered; I wanna be forgotten


Playing with memory and memory loss is a handy device for fiction writers, from soap opera-type melodrama to exciting-but-thought-provoking stories like The Matrix, and in all kinds of stories betwixt and beyond.

Like any ...

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