Fresh news on your Monday morning

skoolmunkee at 12:53AM, April 27, 2009

OK folks! Sorry I didn't get to do any news over the weekend - I was slammed with work and just never found the time. :

can I please remind folks that if you feel your announcement should be posted on a certain day, please send it to me BEFORE that ...

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Monday feature -- Real Cane Sugar!

skoolmunkee at 11:42PM, April 26, 2009

Drew and Manny are two jerks who seem to have trouble getting their lives together. Neither of them gets along particularly well with the other, but circumstances being as they are, they end up working, getting fired, getting hired, and moving in together. Drew has some issues with girls and ...

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Uh, interviews? And some monday milestones!

skoolmunkee at 1:23PM, April 20, 2009

First up, I'm still waiting to hear any kind of peep from the people on the current round of the Interview Project - your assignments went out 2 weeks ago. I guess no one is going to do them? :[ Unless somehow mysteriously no one got their PQs… which I guess ...

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Mystery Bread! -It's Monday's feature

Ozoneocean at 2:15AM, April 20, 2009


Mystery Bread is about a crime fighting loaf of bread and his sidekick Bagel Boy! These champions of justice and right thinking people everywhere work tirelessly to foil the schemes of master criminals like “Exclamation Man!!” and to keep the general populace safe from evil forces. In this bread themed ...

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Monday's feature is A Hard Boiled Detective!

skoolmunkee at 5:36AM, April 13, 2009

If you are anything like normal people, you have a fond rememberance of a specific genre of book known as Choose Your Own Adventure. A Hard Boiled Detective is a hefty slice of nostalgia-flavored cake on a modern place setting. Use links in the author's comments to make your ...

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Monday feature -- Obscene Cuisine!

skoolmunkee at 12:11AM, April 6, 2009

Obscene Cuisine may be a first - a webcomic for restaurant staff. If you've ever worked in one, you'll sympathize with all the good (but mostly bad) things that happen to Chef and his crew. If you've never worked in food service, you can just read the comic ...

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Two nibbles of news!

skoolmunkee at 1:12PM, April 4, 2009

Interim State by the2ndredbaron has reached its 50 page mark! Check it out!

This week, Coveinant's Coveinant Journey reaches 300! It is a weeklong event that starts on Monday, and also celebrates his return from hiatus!

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Monday's Feature- London Underworld!

skoolmunkee at 1:02AM, March 30, 2009

Amelia is a rather unladylike lady, stifled by Victorian society, whose primary source of entertainment is consorting with low criminals and swindling her peers out of as much of their money as she can. She cannot abide her uncle, the family patriach (a boor and a great one for rules ...

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This newspost is on Wednesday, I'm being so crazy!

skoolmunkee at 2:43AM, March 25, 2009

OK- the last of the Round 6 interviews is up! (And round 7 can start when we get 2 more people)- this time around, it's
skoolmunkee interviews GiantPinkWalrus of Totally Cool Comic! His comics are not for the faint of heart, and perhaps his interview isn't either. :]

Polkster ...

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Monday feature -- The Fighting Stranger!

skoolmunkee at 3:13AM, March 23, 2009

A man finds himself in the desert, overlooking an outpost-city. Its name is the only thing he knows. This stylish post-apocalypse comic follows the fighter as he enters the city and tries to figure out who he is and just what is going on. He is joined by a curious ...

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