Two nibbles of news!

skoolmunkee at 1:12PM, April 4, 2009

Interim State by the2ndredbaron has reached its 50 page mark! Check it out!

This week, Coveinant's Coveinant Journey reaches 300! It is a weeklong event that starts on Monday, and also celebrates his return from hiatus!

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THE CARRIERS --- is Thursday's featured comic.

Ozoneocean at 12:13AM, April 2, 2009


In this place the last surviving carriers hide from the evil queen and her draconian regime. She denies them their magic and keeps the whole population in thrall. But rebellion is stirring, perhaps Echo and the girl Lilly, a young carrier, Have a chance to join with the freedom fighters ...

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If I can donate ten bucks for a school in Africa you can donate your Paypal change

skoolmunkee at 12:53PM, March 31, 2009

The Real Macabre
On Thursday, Rock, Paper, Cynic reaches 100 comics without any filler or missed updates. Hooray!

The second announcement (and the MORE URGENT one) is that, to celebrate 100 comics, Rock, Paper, Cynic is trying to raise $100 for charity (Free the Children). The fundraiser starts tonight (Sunday ...

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Monday's Feature- London Underworld!

skoolmunkee at 1:02AM, March 30, 2009

Amelia is a rather unladylike lady, stifled by Victorian society, whose primary source of entertainment is consorting with low criminals and swindling her peers out of as much of their money as she can. She cannot abide her uncle, the family patriach (a boor and a great one for rules ...

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What is Saturday Night all right for, other than fighting?

skoolmunkee at 12:02PM, March 28, 2009

Tantz Aerine is running a contest for her comic wolf, to celebrate its 100th page and also mark that the comic is coming to its end… Details are here - the winner gets their submission used as the comic's cover, a special role in the comic, and some other things- ...

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MASSIVE EXPLOSIONS!!!! ...I mean,Thursdays feature is: Bear Versus Zombies!

Ozoneocean at 11:01PM, March 25, 2009


You HAVE to check out this comic. Comedy action at its most awesome! Bear must get revenge for his dead mate against the hordes of green, stinking zombies! Watch as bear fights like a big brown shaggy demon, using all the weapons he has at his disposal. I don't ...

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This newspost is on Wednesday, I'm being so crazy!

skoolmunkee at 2:43AM, March 25, 2009

OK- the last of the Round 6 interviews is up! (And round 7 can start when we get 2 more people)- this time around, it's
skoolmunkee interviews GiantPinkWalrus of Totally Cool Comic! His comics are not for the faint of heart, and perhaps his interview isn't either. :]

Polkster ...

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Sunday night newspost!

skoolmunkee at 3:40PM, March 22, 2009

Some of these are very late- I completely forgot to do news this weekend, sorry. :[

Kaylove is holding a contest for her comic Art School Sub Rosa! She is asking for fan art, and the 3 she likes best will receive custom art in return! All info is found here ...

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FEATURE FEATURE!!! --> Legend of Setar

Ozoneocean at 11:36PM, March 18, 2009



Don't you love cat girls? I do. This is a world full of them! It's a dark, stormy night. The Amana family is being slaughtered by the mysterious and savage Zara… This is a land where supernatural forces hold sway, gods intervene in the mortal realm though ...

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Wednesday interview: JoeL_CQB interviews the creators of Anatta!

skoolmunkee at 12:34AM, March 18, 2009

JoeL_CQB interviews threeeyeswurm and anise shaw of Anatta!

These interviews are great stuff, guys- and good news for those people who feel like there are a lot to catch up on- there are only 3 more and then we'll take a break for a week or two, so now ...

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