HippieVan at 12:00AM, Jan. 17, 2014
tags: awards, drunk, duck, up, wrap

After lots of planning and hard work on the part of many DDers, the last of the 2013 Drunk Duck Awards were given out this week. Acceptance Speeches and other Extras will be accepted until January 24th, and can be PQed to Niccea or emailed to 2013awards(at)justnopoint(dot ...

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QUACKCAST 149 - "The Royal We"

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 14, 2014


Banes sez:
Bereft of our Captain, ozoneocean, I talk with Niccea about the 2013 Drunk Duck awards, which are finishing up as we speak.
She reveals some spoileriffic information (which will not be nearly as spoileriffic as you read this), and we reveal the not-so-breaking news that the drunkduck ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Original Black Wolf Dio

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 8, 2014

The year is 1346 B.C. in Ancient Egypt. Akhenaten is presiding as pharoah five years after the passing of Amenhotep III.

Shadi, the young mother of a newborn baby boy, spends her days in the Village of Horus waiting for her child's father to return. One night during ...

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New Year's Eve Countdown to 2014

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Dec. 30, 2013


Greetings, Ducks!
It is New Year's Eve and instead of enjoying the break and planning my year-end celebrations, I am writing the last newspost of 2013. Why? Because The Duck is awesome.

I have just spent the last couple hours going through the highlights of 2013 and ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 147 - Merry Xmas! DD radio play omnibus edition

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 24, 2013


For the final Quackcast of 2013 we have an extra special treat for everyone: ALL three of the annual DD radio plays in a single quackcast! The first one produced by Ayesinback and written by Ally Haert, the second one again produced by Ayesinback but written this time ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 146 - The SantaCast!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 17, 2013


It's that time of year again, when we do all our traditional celebration stuff and get silly about Santa, Father Christmas, Saint Nick, Papai Noel, Viejo Pascuero, Dun Che Lao Ren, Kerstman, Joulupukki, Weihnachtsmann, Mikulas, Babbo Natale, Hoteiosho, Julenissen, Swiety Mikolaj, Ded Moroz, Jultomten… Hanukkah has been ...

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FRIDAY NEWSPOST - The Return of Modest Medusa

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Dec. 13, 2013

Modest Medusa has returned to DrunkDuck, and has passed the 400 page mark! Our snake-haired friend will be right back up in the top ten next week, too.

From Jake:
Modest Medusa has returned to The Duck with a massive 30+ page update, and regular updates 3 times a week ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 145 - The Third Duck, 2013 DD Radio Play

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 12, 2013


Finally! The 2013 DD Radio play is complete! It was a long time in coming but it's out now and still within 2013, despite everything that has happened. The radio plays were started by Ayesinback and have been going for 3 years now, beginning with The Karaoke ...

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Quackcast 145 delayed!! D:

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 10, 2013

Stay tuned
Banes and I had technical issues recording Quackcast 145. So instead I'm working on getting the 2013 DD radio play ready for release on Thursday! The Third Duck!

It's been a long time in coming. Initially I wasn't going to be the editor but various ...

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The Sergeant Banes and Commander Niccea Mod Squad

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 25, 2013

Wonderful news! Please extend a warm welcome to Niccea and Banes as official Forum Moderators.


Niccea has previously been a mod on the forums and has been a contributing member of The Duck by organizing several different community projects including the Annual Drunk Duck Awards and DD Mafia on ...

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