Character Deep Dive: Raidon from Used Books

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, July 20, 2024

Today’s Character Deep Dive is on an antagonist!

We’re looking at Raidon Yamamura from Used Books by the amazingly proliferate Vickie Boutwell!

Used Books is a crime-noir thriller involving the story of Kaida, an ex-assassin from a highly dangerous network of organized crime and the different people surrounding ...

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Character Wants - The Next Level

Banes at 12:00AM, June 27, 2024

Better Call Saul is the prequel series to Breaking Bad. Both shows are incredible, and probably my two favorite shows. The characters in these shows, especially Better Call Saul, have great nuance to them, and most of them have multiple “wants” or “needs” that are in opposition to each other ...

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VOTING Ballot Box OPEN!! A Detailed Look at the 2024 Drunk Duck Awards Ballot Categories. VOTE BY JULY 6th!!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, June 17, 2024

Photo: “FYC: Calling In a Favor” by HawkandFloAdventures. (2024)

There is still time to get votes into the ballot box — THREE MORE WEEKS - - to be exact. If you still have the ability to vote, but have not clicked the ballot link posted last week, then here is a more in ...

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Making Amends

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, June 1, 2024

So your villain has just made a heel-face turn and is now one of the good guys. Yay!

…not so fast!

The moment where an antagonist turns on their own side and joins that of the protagonists is extremely powerful. But unless it is part of the overall story's ...

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Becoming the Beast

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 25, 2024

Humans can be scary, fascinating, mysterious creatures. Humanity is capable of the most amazing feats of compassion and the most debased acts of cruelty. And not necessarily at opposing ends of the spectrum. The same person can be compassionate in one context and appallingly cruel in another. They may not ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Somewhere in the Universe

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 15, 2024

Issue 01 demonstrates how the lives of intergalactic Squid People are not so different from the lives of humans on planet Earth. “The Quirk” opens with an unnamed squid office employee and the unforeseen challenges of getting to work on time. The lack of a nose and hair made entirely ...

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Zero Hour Will Draw Your Characters; Three New For Your Consideration Musical Numbers from Blessed Days, Freddy Reno Went Missing, and Beats To Exist To!!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 13, 2024

Photo: “‘I Will Draw Your Characters’ Forum Thread. Zero Hour. The TOP DRAWER 2. (April 2024)

Zero Hour offered to draw your characters three weeks ago in the forums.

Zero Hour writes:

I will do it.
That's a threat.
There is a catch, however.
Tell me a name of ...

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Character Deep Dive: Molly Lusc

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, April 20, 2024

Today’s Character Deep Dive is on the intriguing Molly Lusc from the comic Molly Lusc by Andreas Helixfinger!

Molly Lusc is a straight up noir comic complete with an origin story… sort of… of the main character and primary detective Molly Lusc. It has a lot of the noir ...

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Furry Tale - The Heart of Fate by Jesse_Koehler has Achieved 150 Page Milestone

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, April 1, 2024

Photo: “Furry Tale - The Heart of Fate”. By Jesse Koehler. (December 2022–)

150 Pages Milestone

(Here is a message written by Jesse Koehler of Furry Tale - The Heart of Fate)

So yeah, since The Last milestone The Comic has pretty much developed in Things Like: Story telling, fight scenes, variety ...

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Defying Death

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, March 30, 2024

For a huge chuck of Christians around the world, today is Resurrection Day (or Good Saturday), which is easily one of the most important days in the Christian calendar, no matter when you observe it. For those that do, therefore, I hope you have the happiest one yet, and since ...

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