
rmccool on May 12, 2007

sort of a flash back to when everyone was younger.. no joke.. just the goodness of having someone make room for you.
happy Mother's Day.
May is also National Foster Care Month..(don't read this skip to the next part.)
as a child I use to hate mother's day still sort of do. i always skip church that day.. I hate the tell us something nice about your mom part. I always want to yell “My mother was and is a evil person.” I don't use the word lightly or to mean she would not let me stay up late..i have see darkness and evil and think i am luck to have lived to tell the tell.
Ok read this part)
But I'd like to say thanks to all foster moms. and to all the families that took me in… and made room for me… if only for a short time… and to my foster grandma Takeoka for giving me dragon and ink…