Episode 160 - SciFi spectacular

Mar 31, 2014

While out on a routine survey mission in the Asimov Nebula, space-Captain Ozone and security officer second class Stanley Banes find themselves face to face with a drunken rampaging mutated alien duckmonster! Join our spacefaring heroes as they ramble about some of their favourite SciFi and discuss some of the best and worst features of the genre. But more importantly; will they get out of this predicament alive and will they ever get their booze back?

Episode 156 - The Abt Nihil and Pit Face Bottomless Hero Alliance

Mar 3, 2014

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Today we welcome a dastardly new bad guy alliance between three powerful super villains of Duck City: Ozone Evil, Pit Dastardly, and Abt Destruction! In their pirate lair aboard the bottomless pirate ship, the trio revel in their shared passion for bottomlessnessnessnessitude. Abt and Pit go on to chat about getting comics published in paper form, the Hero's Alliance community project, and the Mega City 2:2135 Judge Dredd fan comic project.

Episode 144 - Bold New Experiment with the Top Ten!

Dec 2, 2013

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For this Quackcast it's just Ozone aaaaaand HippieVan! We're discussing various things, the most important of which is the Top Ten rating system for the front page of DD. It has been frozen solid since the site stopped tracking stats about TWO years ago. Hopefully we'll restart hat when we figure out how to code it up, but for now HippieVan and Irreverent came up with a good idea: The Top Ten comics will be based on how many "likes" they have. This will be calculated every week by HippieVan. So now comics have the ability to get into the top ten if they can get enough "Likes", so start campaigning people and you'll have a spot on the front page! Unfortunately we're not including Adult rated comics in that list because those can't be seen by people who aren't signed into the site so would just look like blank boxes on the front page. Never fear though, Adult comics are still ranked proudly on the comic search page in their true like order.

Episode 143 - 2013 DD Awards Reboot

Nov 25, 2013

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Niccea is the guest for Quackcast 143 because Banes and I are talking to her about how the 2013 DD Awards are going now! With the great DD blackout of 2013, the DD awards suffered a titanic blow... Things were just getting underway for the year when BOOB! ...or "BOOM" rather... it was all over. But on the urging of kawaiidaigakusei, Niccea kicked it into gear again! Now the awards are progressing in good order, but Niccea can always use more help so if you'd like to be in on this please follow the link in the Quackcast notes to the award forum.

Episode 123 - Happy Birthday Mr Abt Nihil

Apr 29, 2013

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This week we interview Leonardo Da Abt Nihil, The Duck's very own renaissance man: Philosopher, scientist, self taught artist and writer, he is a man of many talents and lucky for us he posts the fruits of his labour on our site, many of which have been featured! Abt kindly agreed to be interviewed on his birthday, so Banes and I were finally have to do an in-depth talk with him and find out some of what makes him tick and at the same time celebrate that special day with him. So please listen and enjoy the melefluent tones of Abt's amazing voice and then GO and read some of his comics, especially Bombshell and Holon!

Episode 97 - Snotmunkee Brings the News

Oct 2, 2012

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This Quackcast is a grab-bag of things. Mostly newsy stuff and chats with Skoolmunkee! We talk about how Wowio is dying to promote DD artist's stuff through all sorts of social networking stuff like Twitter, a Youtube vid chanel, tumblr, Facebook, Google + etc, HUNGRY for user news!!! We also talk about this new thing we want to try with DD: Hangouts on Google+ with DD people- basically video get togethers that will be broadcast at the same time on Youtube, we can all draw, do comics, learn, teach, whatever. AND we want vids for the Wowio-Duck-Popgalaxy Youtube channel. They could promote your comic, be a short tute on your methods, a comic review, anything DD comic related.

Episode 87 - Up with people: Heroes and Villians

Jul 23, 2012

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What are the Do's and Do Not Do's when it comes to creating protagonists and antagonists??? For Quackcast 87 we asked for people's opinions on making heroes and villains, we asked who are some of your fave heroes and villains? What makes your own characters such good heroes or villains? What are YOUR Do's and Donts, how do YOU prefer to construct your heroes and villains? Is the hero just a hero because they're the protagonist? Or are they a classic hero? What's the difference between heroes an protagonists? Villains and antagonists? etc. Some clever and intelligent people weighed in on this and shared their opinions on it with us.

Episode 84 - Barb Jacobs and Her Beautiful Comics

Jul 2, 2012

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This week we have an interview with another of my webcomic heroes: the fabulously talented Barb Jacobs, Author of the very popular webcomics Xylia and Talisman/Return to Donnely/Return of the Exile - yes, it had each of those names at one stage. Here she shares with us what makes a professional tick, the ups and downs of an independent webcomicer making money from her art and taking her stuff onto bigger and better things, as well as the constant struggle all webcomicers face: trying to maintain the drive to create in the face of all real life throws at you. Barb started at Drunk Duck, got picked up by Keenspot, got picked up by a real publisher and then other things happened from there- listen to find out!

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