Episode 127 - Early Influences in Print Comics
May 28, 2013
For Quackcast 127 we asked the DD community about the traditional print comics that influenced them over the years, from their early days onward. No webcomics! Only the old printed kind in comic books or newspapers, or gum wrappers or... however else people got their comicbook goodness. And it was TOTALLY ok to talk about mainstream comics like Batman and Superman if that was their thing or obscure stuff no one ever heard of or weird embarrassing crap like He-Man comics, whatever, it's all good, we wanted to know! We got quite a few responses and we thank everyone for those, It also gave us a chance to do our funny voices again, which we appreciated!
Topics and Show Notes
Featured comic:
I Was Born With Golden Hair - http://www.drunkduck.com/I_Was_Born_With_Golden_Hair/
Our Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/DrunkDuckcomics
/>Storm by Don Lawrence, linked by Tantz - http://unkie.org/files/storm/17-De_Wentelwereld-800x600.png
/>Supergirl cover linked by Pam Harrison - http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Adventure_Comics_Vol_1_411
Our contributors:
Kevin Hayman - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/Kota/
/>Tantz Aerine - http://goo.gl/4zoLk
/>Kroatz - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/Kroatz/
/>Pit Face - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/PIT_FACE/
/>Call Me Tom - http://goo.gl/ReQY8
/>KAM - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/KAM/
/>Riley Mccool - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/rmccool/
/>NekkoXIII - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/NekkoXIII/
/>The D Wrek - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/The_D_Wrek/
/>Peter Stormageddon - ??
Pam Harrison - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/houseofmuses/
/>Garrett Pomeroy - http://www.drunkduck.com/user/Yein/
- http://www.drunkduck.com/Drunk_Duck_Awards_2013/
My heroic co-presenter Banes:
- http://www.drunkduck.com/user/Banes
Next week Banes and I talk about our formative comics and the after that for Quackcast 129 we'd love to hear from YOU guys how you go about creating your comics, what techniques you use, computer programs, types of pen etc. Please post about it here:
- http://www.drunkduck.com/forum/topic/175547/
Episode 112 - Live play: Operation MOON!
Feb 11, 2013
We live up to the promise of two Quackcasts ago: We have a LIVE play for your listening torture! A comic play written by Ozoneocean, full of horrible jokes and starring 5 wonderful duckers all playing their parts to perfection in Operation MOON! It also includes a lot of talk about the origins of our names, ideas for future play based Quackcasts, and a special edition second version of the play done full of giggling! We hope you enjoy this special presentation.
Episode 111 - Banes Overcomes Character Obstacles on His Own
Feb 4, 2013
For this episode we asked many of our esteemed DrunkDuck creators to weigh in and enlighten us on the subject of creating and overcoming obstacles for their characters. This of course ties in with Quackcast 109 where we discussed aspects of that topic with Pit Face and Tantz Aerine. Here we specifically asked: "Obstacles, challenges for your characters. How do you create 'em? How do you and your characters overcome them??? Just tell us about the things you go through with your characters and their plotlines!". Due to a small misunderstanding Banes heroically handled this entire Quackcast on his own!
Episode 109 - Tantzface and Pit Aerine Quacktet TAG TEAM
Jan 21, 2013
Ozone and Banes are joined by some of our most fave recurring guests Tantz Aerine and Pit Face, to form... The Quacktet! The Quacktet talk about characters, writing and all the things that can go wrong and right with character development, both in story writing and in visual design. Things went a BIT awry and this was our THIRD attempt at doing a Quackcast that eveneing, to top it off I was quite ill at the time too, with a bucket by my side... Tantz says "NO" a lot, we learn that characters need proper discipline (it turns out spanking just isn't enough), we talk about Pit Face working on a new collaborative community project, and Tantz Aerine fighting the good fight as a hero of the modern Greek political resistance.We apologise for getting a little bit silly.
Episode 99 - Halloween's a Commin!
Oct 15, 2012
This week Banes and I are once again joined by the two lovely and talented comic creators Tantz Aerine and Pit Face. They share with us their thoughts on the upcoming phenomena of Halloween it's impact on and traditional place in web-comics annually, beasties and monsters associated with it and monsters in general, fears and nasties, superstitions and all sorts of fun stuff. Listen as we have a rollicking good time together in our own informative way.
Episode 94 - Character Intro Webcomic Special
Sep 10, 2012
Banes and I give the webcomics of Drunk Duck a chance to shine! For Quackcast 94 we asked our webcomic creators to write short intros to their comics from their comic character's point of view as a way to creatively advertise their comic in a really fun and entertaining way, as well as giving us a short little Haiku inspired by their comic. We had lots of great contributions from many creators which we had acted out by various people who did amazing performances- Don't miss Bravo as Grey guy Hank, Abt_Nihil doing Holon, Ayesinback doing Tao of Kenji, Pit Face doing Gretchen from Putrid Meat, Usedbooks' friend doing Usedbooks, and Skoolmunkee, Banes and I acting the rest. We'll put Gunwallace's song in NEXT week, promise!
Episode 93 - American Tantz Aerine and Greek Pit Face
Sep 3, 2012
Banes and I chat with Tantz Aerine and Pitface, two talented and beautiful web-comicing women who are authors of their own great individual works (Without Moonlight and Putrid Meat to name a few) as well as their amazing collaborative WW2 Greek resistance war comic Brave Resistance, featuring dastardly Nazis, a brave native American pilot, and the heroic Greek resistance fighters. We chat about collaborative working styles that involve people working together halfway around the world - Tantz in Greece and Pit in the States - as well as all aspects of the story of Brave Resistance and up coming plot points.
Episode 72 - Comedy Soap Omnibus: Two - You're Totally Looking At My Boobs!
Apr 10, 2012
A super special epic saga soap special! We have ALL stories ALL the time here with a pseudo-comedy overdose of silliness! Over an hour of stupidity and nonsense held together by the soap character versions of Ironscarf, Macattack Kroatz, Harkovast, "the Narrator", and two strange teenage "girls" who think everything is totally gross. Now is your chance to try and catch up on the last few episodes, 6 to 11. Marvel at Hippievan's crash and resurrection, Kroatz's out of body perv-fest, the drunken quest for ouzo, Skoolmunkee's butt-sister, lots of Harkovast. the sexily armoured Pit Face, and the infamous kiss.I dare you to listen to this and retain your sanity!!!! There's even a special bonus track at the very end...