SS2 70 Confronting Janey

skyangel on June 24, 2008

Did I see right?! Janey has decided to tell her mum! AHHHHH! I'm on tender hooks now! I wonder if her mum would be so heartless as to through her own daughter out! I mean it is not like Sarah is a bad girl!

Well its back to the old routine of updating. In other words Sky returns to her Saturday block and you get to see me on wednesdays just like before. I am glad now that Sky is back. Ha ha. SO I shall see you every wednesday! YAY! ha ha. Thanks for bearing with me for the past few updates.

I have exams coming up in the next few weeks. I am feeling abut nervous as I don't perform as well as in assessments. Plus I have to travel for over an hour just to get to them! :( they pretty much go all day! it will be so exhausting! But these are just assessment exams, not the actual big one which goes for a couple of weeks but I get a few days break between the exams so that's one blessing and I don't have to travel so far either. But one of them ends at 5pm! :O ha ha. But once they are done that's it! I have officially finished my schooling! Thats so bizarre! I only have a few more months to go till its all over for good! WOW! I plan to go on to uni after my gap year. But first got to get through exams! ha ha.

Anyways I am off to have a tuna salad! Catch you all later!
