SS4 24 Sarah chats to Nick in the garden

skyangel on June 25, 2010

I know I'm jumping about here with the story and it's hard for you guys to keep track at a page a week, soo I'll just mention that so far all we know about Nick is that he lives above Sarah and Janey, was in a relationship that didn't work out, and didn't come to her party. His story is going to unfold slowly so no big deals with him here yet. Stacey hmmm well we'll learn more about what he knows next week. When ‘Cathy’ is finally finished I will try and go back to two pages a week again, but for now I'm enjoying doing both, especially the artwork on ‘Cathy’ as it gives me a chance to get my pencil box out and play!

Emily (dinosaur?) is designing an outfit for one of the girls, and I can't wait to see what she comes up with! I'm kind of hoping that it will be for Leo as she is the most outrageous of all the girls. If anyone else wants to have a go you can PQ me for the ‘dollies’ or e-mail me at: