alien trouble

fourobs on Sept. 2, 2007

sorry this was late sorry this was late
sorry this was late
sorry this was late
sorry this was late
sorry this was late
sorry this was late
sorry this was late
sorry this was late
sorry this was late
sorry this was late
sorry this was late
sorry about this comic being so late and all but my heads been hurting a lot I`ve been doing a lot of stuff spending a lot of time ast borders so its been hard to go to my computer to scan I saw balls of fury good movie the critics were so wrong and I still have time to make comics but I`m thinking of starting a new comic but sense I have no time I can`t make it weekly it just comes out whenever at least once a month but I`m really booked I got to read a hour a day go to borders every day do homework go to school have time to watch tv play on PS2 watch tv have breakfeast dinner and lunch do four obs green pikemin tim jack flower so its packed