Want to animate
suciue at 1:32PM, Oct. 15, 2009
Do you want to animate your sprite comic is it a good idea i so how do you do it
Well if you want to nimate heres some tips
If yo wnt to animate i sugges you give deep thought ito it cause
it take alot of work to make them move .but it adds some good chance to make some asome graphics in your comic that willl look asome when your done.Anyway if you do since i cant use photoshop iuse paint and gimp along with micrsoft animator to perfect the speed.Anyway to animate pic your spris your sence and remeber you shold have sprite that where givin movement secnes so when you put thentoghether you know what your doing.You may have to make 20 to 30 sences with just moving the sprit..But the sprit partith makig them move is the easy part.The graphics like light effects and attack's or magic.Let have pokemon pichu sprite as an exaple.To make pikachu move you nee to pick the affects that pkachuwill be doing wether it be moving running or attacking.Hmm lets d attacking with thunder.The first fram will be just the sprite by itself.then chose hmm what do i want the attack to look like well lets chose..hmm im going to do alittle some color chnge to do that pick a diffrent colored sprite for the next frame.And then you can open the first frme in gimp or gif if you want then im goig with gimp.alright i have the first pikachu frame now lets cut he next pic of the other color one.now lets layer then by going add new layer witchin gimp should be in the bar up top name what else new layer is the first chose you have.The you can mak the color change then you can add words but add a new layer after your done or you can make your dissicoins ha and you should end up with something like this And that all to it the more you do it the better off you are only add one new layer per movment or your gif will take foreve going to the next frame.I hope this helps you you cn o it in your comics or you avatars or banners anything you feel like haha I hope you learned alot from this