Public Profile


member since July 07, 2011


Hey guys
I am BlackKnife12,but my name's Devin Copelli :3
I am a new member,who will TOTALLY enjoy being here as a member in DrunkDuck,and will share the interesting and awesome story ideas,starting with the rebooting series of “Sonic,the hedgehog” - note that it may have some similarities with Call of Duty and DragonBall Z,be as it may,it will have some similar feature to both the titlesbut I assure you,this series will have “MY VERSION” of these two titles…
So,let's begin :D
Thank you those in :3

Comics By BlackKnife12

  • Adventure |
  • 7 pages |
  • last: Aug. 3 2011 |
In this story,after the chaotic Iron Queen saga,contrevorsial politics and military warfare spread out fear and anger between the governments of Mobius and the United States of America....but if the two concerns does not reach to their breaking point....then what will? Noneother than the infamous villian....Dr.Eggman??

Comics Assisted By BlackKnife12

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Comics Recomended By BlackKnife12

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BlackKnife12's friends

  • Scorpious
  • Crave The Bullet
  • Hayakain
  • fr33z3dry
  • SLB CreationS
  • Zac

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