Public Profile

GoGo Ghosty

member since November 11, 2008


Ello ello, I be an Elaina creature, and I wish to tell you about myself…
I like the Beatles, Coyboy Bebop, Ayashi no Ceres, and drawing. I guess Im a decent artist…but Im still learning ^_^;
If youre interested, check out my dev. art:

Till the next time! ^_~ #9829;
–Elaina M

Comics By GoGo Ghosty

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Comics Assisted By GoGo Ghosty

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Comics Recomended By GoGo Ghosty

A comedy/adventure/fantasy story which refuses to try and cash in on WoW or D&D. Currently in Chapter 13 - Mordrolvia

GoGo Ghosty's friends

  • darkhart
  • kristofer
  • Volte6

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